Another Funny Name Display Question

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I have an ancestor whose name at birth was Orpha Blanche Oden (Oden-56).  She went by Blanche, so I've enter that in the "preferred name" field on her profile.  When I do a search on her full name, she comes up on the results list as "Blanche B. Oden."

Obviously, it's showing preferred name, middle initial, surname.  But her preferred name was her middle name, and she wasn't "Blanche B."  I understand that is her, and why it's displaying that way, but I think the result might be taken as the wrong person by someone else searching the name.

WikiTree profile: Blanche Oden
in Genealogy Help by Fred Remus G2G6 Mach 4 (45.0k points)

1 Answer

+1 vote


May help to use "Other Nicknames " Shows up in quotes and may work for you.

by Living Lechner G2G6 Mach 7 (70.9k points)
I've tried that.  Then the name on the profile page reads, 'Orpha Blanche "Blanche" Oden' which I don't like either.  I guess I'll have to decide which I want to put up with.  Thanks.
Hi Fred. This is a tricky one. We display those names in a variety of ways, depending on context and the viewers' privacy permissions. Did you find the name views page? That might help you make the decision on this.
Did you mean the page Michael gave in his answer?  That one explains Comprehensive, Proper, Abbreviated for privacy, Abbreviated for space, and Brief.  I have seen that one.  A search for Orpha Oden (assuming that's all the person searching had) that yields "Blanche B. Oden" as the only result seems potentially confusing, though.  I think I'll have to hope that anyone who does that search would go ahead and click on the result.  Then they would see the full name.
If you've not seen it yet, I think Chris was referring to the page that will show you all the various ways the name for the person in the profile will be displayed by WikiTree.  

Click the Edit tab, then look to the right of the name at the top. Just underneath the WikiTree ID will be the link that shows you how the names will display.

Cheers, Liz

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