What is Mary Anne (Lee) Brammer's connection to Robert E. Lee? [closed]

+7 votes

I've found information on Mary Anne Lee, who married Edmund Brammer.  Her profile is http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Lee-6635

Now, the book "A portrait and biographical record of Delaware County, Indiana", linked here: https://archive.org/stream/portraitbiographdcin00chic#page/526/mode/2up

"Henley Brammer comes from an old and highly respected family and reflects credit on the same.  He is a native of Delaware township, where he was born February 20, 1841; being the sone of Edmund and Nancy (Hatfield) Brammer.  The father was bron in Patrick County, VA, Junuary 7, 1801: the son of Edmund and Mary (Lee) Brammer, the mother an aunt of Gen. Robert E. Lee, the great Confederate chieftain."

This means that Mary (Lee) Brammer would be the daughter of Henry Lee II, who was the grandfather of Robert E. Lee (through Henry "Light Horse Harry" Lee III).  However, most of the trees that I have seen have Mary Lee being the daughter of John Lee, who I cannot find as part of the Lee Family.

I am hoping that someone else could help me with this.

The rest of the entry is:

The Father of Henley Brammer was but one year old when his parents crossed the mountains and located in Cabell County, WV, where he remained until his eighteenth year, after which the family moved to Lawrence County, Ohio, where the parents died.  He then married, went to Fayette county, Ohio, and engaged in farming, remained there until 1836, and then moved to this county, where his death occurred June 18, 1889.  The mother of the subject departed this life January 10, 1872.  This worthy couple had ten children, namely: Roland, Mary, Rachel (deceased), Malinda (deceased), Rebecca, Elizabeth, Mahlon, Sarah A, Aaron, and Henley.  Edmund and Nancy Brammer were firm believers in the doctorines of the Baptist church, and followed its teachings, Mr. Brammer was a democrat of the old Jackson school.

Henley Brammer was reared upon the home farm, and now owns a portion of that estate, 180 acres of fine land, well improved.  Owing to an accident which resulted in the loss of his left eye at the age of seventeen, his education was somewhat limited, but he has since become th possessor of a fund of practical knowledge both from books and from contact with his fellow men in the business relations of life.  He remained at home with his father until the death of the latter, since which time his attention has been devoted to the work of the farm in the township where he now resides.  He was married December 13 to Selina E. Black, born in Delaware County, April 19, 1846, the daughter of William Black whose sketch will be found elsewhere.  Two children were born to this union, namly an infant, deceased, and William E.  Mrs. Brammer died February 2, 1875, and Noveber 18, 1876, Mr. Brammer took wife Margaret D. Black, daughter of Andrew Black, previously mentioned in these pages.  By this union, there have been born ten children, namely: Charles, Mary A., Andrew L. (deceased), Frank, Selina E, Thomas A., Harry and Anna (twins), David E., and Josephine B.  In politics Mr. Brammer is a democrat.  He is kind neightbor, a good friend, and an honest upright citizen.

WikiTree profile: Mary Ann Brammer
closed with the note: Questioned Answered
in Genealogy Help by Alan Martin G2G Crew (340 points)
closed by Alan Martin
Most all of the Edmund/Mary Lee Brammer  lines claim the connection to the Robert E. Lee family but what research I have done it just doesn't pan out.

What I have been told but  I have not proven is that her family were from NY/NJ who later migrated to VA/WVA

BTW both of my parents are descendants of Edmund and Mary Ann through two of the sons.

2 Answers

+5 votes
OK, I have read this over and over...so, if Mary was the "mother of an aunt of Robert E Lee"  Then her children were all aunts and uncles of Robert E Lee...not just one of them, this does not make sense.   Unless, Edmund Brummer is her second husband, and by her first marriage she was a Lee.   Let me take a look at this...I am very familiar with the Lees of Virginia and this is the first time for me hearing this name.
by Robin Lee G2G6 Pilot (897k points)
It actually says, "The mother an aunt of Robert E. Lee."  The way it's talking is that Mary Lee was an Aunt of Robert E. Lee, which would theoretically make her the sister of Henry "Light Horse Harry" Lee III, the Revolutionary War General, the father of Robert E. Lee.

They seem to have come from Patrick County, Virginia, where they were married, and then moved eventually Lawrence County, Ohio.  My line goes through Edmund Brammer -> Henley Brammer -> William Brammer -> Elizabeth (Brammer) Martin -> Lawrence Martin (my grandfather).  That line goes geographically to Delaware County, Indiana, before moving to Spokane, Washington, and then Nampa, Idaho, where Lawrence and Irma (Dahl) Martin died.

I'll put up the rest of the entry in order to help you further with this.
+3 votes

Here is the answer per the Lees of Virginia.   Mary is believed to be the daughter of John, who married Sarah Jane Brazil.  It is believed that his father's name was Thomas.   If that Thomas is http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Lee-534 that would make Mary a Grand Aunt of Robert E Lee.   The Lees of Virginia Society still does not have documentation to prove this relationship and are honestly looking for DNA evidence or other evidence to find this "lost Lee" connection. 

They also have potential siblings of Mary that potentially married other Brammer family members.  Roland Lee married Kisiah Brammer and Sarah Lee married John Brammer.  That may give you some additional information to help solve this puzzle.

On a personal note, I spent a lot of time with MY Lee family and trying to connect to Lees of Virginia...my brother's DNA test helped me confirm that we have no connection.

by Robin Lee G2G6 Pilot (897k points)
Well, it's a bit more complicated since it's not a direct paternal line, or maternal line that I'm connected through the Lees.  I don't really have any close relations with the Brammer Line.  The line that I have goes through this: Me -> Father -> Father (Lawrence Martin) -> Mother (Hazel Brammer Martin) -> Father (William Brammer) -> Father (Henley Brammer) -> Father (Edmund Brammer) -> Mother (Mary Lee Brammer)

So, I'm not sure that a DNA test would even be able to trace that.  Usually the two basis tests either are able to trace the Y-Chromozone (direct paternal line), and the microconrial DNA (direct maternal line).  It comes from neither line, so I really don't know.

I know that Brammer came from Patrick County, Virginia (which if it's the same area as what it is today) is Southern Virginia, where the Robert E. Lee Family was from Northern Virginia.  So, I know it's a Lee Family from Virginia, I just don't know whether or not it the correct Lee Family. ;-)

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