Changes to Tree

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I went to my tree today and certain things had changed. My names were showing anoymous Killeen in the tree although I had added all names correctly. It looks like a 'saving' issue but can anyone help? I have made the corrections but don't want it to happen again

Thanks to you all

in Genealogy Help by Clifford Canty G2G Crew (520 points)

1 Answer

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I can only guess that you forgot to hit the Save Changes button after you did the editing.

One useful thing I've discovered; Sometimes I'll be editing a profile and get distracted by something else.  By the time I get back to the profile and try to save my changes, my login has timed out and the Save Changes button just takes me to the login screen.

When that happens, you can log in, then use the Back button on your browser to get back to the edit screen, save your changes, and nothing is lost.
by Fred Remus G2G6 Mach 4 (45.2k points)
Hi Fred
I did assume it was a saving issue but wondered if a bug had crawled in. Thanks for your very quick reply

Fred, your login times out? That's unusual, and must be very frustrating. I'd be interested to hear what sort of Internet connection you use -- drop me an e-mail. There's probably nothing we can do, but who knows.

Clifford, I assume you've seen the Changes page that tracks the edits to a profile? That will at least give you clues.
Chris, most of the time, I'm on a wi-fi connection in the building where I live.  Strangely, G2G never times out.  But the regular WikiTree does, and rather quickly.  I don't really know anything about how the wi-fi in the building is set up, so I don't know what I could tell you in an email.
Fred when you log in do you check the keep me logged in box? Might help.

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