Could Wikitree post a brief note on the navigation page reminding people to check for matches periodically?

+6 votes
New users may not know how to do a match search so having a sentence or two on how to do it would be good.  Opportunity to remind people to do it because it cuts down on clean-up work down the road, especially on the older profiles that have a security code of white.
in Genealogy Help by Therese Schmidt G2G4 (4.1k points)

1 Answer

+3 votes
Hi Therese,

Good idea.

By the way, I mentioned in another reply that we're working on improving the FindMatches code. Part of this project -- though it still may be a few months away -- is to run automatic FindMatches searches in the background. This "AutoMatches" code will look for high probably matches and automatically propose the merge to the two Profile Managers.

by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
Chris & Therese,

Both sound really good ideas, and Therese' mail pointed me in the direction of checking for matches - as a newbie with a lot of tree to add I thought it would be a good idea to keep on top of possible matches, doing my best and making poss matches where I can .......the automatic searches idc will certainly help.
I like this. We have so many people who have uploaded and never come back, it feels like...
Yes, I see the GEDCOM pattern often: load and go.

That's not bad, it's a way to collect more profiles into the one tree: however, if the behavior that the community wants is to create more stickiness, then it needs to have reasons for folks to come back besides just contributing their knowledge to the broader community.

Perhaps helpful hints to creating family histories, ability for families to collaborate, ways to seek new info outside the large named search sites, etc.

Colorful stories of sleuthing to find tough answers.

Highlights of profiles that contributed to society.


I like the BHAG of being the place to be for learning about Presidents - etc.

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