Henry Jorgensen, born in 1880, where in Denmark was he born?

+1 vote
Henry Jorgensen immigrated to USA in 1902, brother Niels in Mich paid his passage.  Would like to know where he was born and who were his parents.  He married and ended up living and dying in Wyoming.  Married Anna Lian from Norway.
in Genealogy Help by
edited by Chris Whitten
Your question is currently phrased "Henry Jorgensen, born in Denmark 1880 where was he born?"

One clause of the question answers another? :-)

Do you have reason to think he was born in Denmark and just want to confirm it, or are you looking for a city in Denmark?
I know he was born in Denmark but don't know where.
eI know he was born in Denmark but don't know where.

2 Answers

+2 votes
Danish citizens who emigrated to USA throug Kopenhagen or Hamburg was registrered by the danish authorities. Try this database:

by Anders Grarup G2G1 (1.8k points)
+2 votes

Perhaps i found him:



Name: Jørgensen, Henry Occupation: Landarbejder
Age: 21 Destination: NY.
Contract no.: 211400 Registration date: 8/6/1902
Birth place: Serslev Birth place: ?
Last res. parish: Aalborg Last res. county: Aalborg
Last residence: Aalborg Destination country: USA
Destination city: New York City Destination state: New York State
Name of ship: Norge
Remarks: FST: Der er noget der hedder Særslev, men det ligger i Odense Amt og Holbæk. IDcode: D0103J3001


by Anders Grarup G2G1 (1.8k points)

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