[Cross posted with permission of Claire]
From: Claire Bettag [email address withheld]
Subject: Historic New Orleans Collection new database
Date: March 23, 2016 at 2:03:42 PM EDT
The Historic New Orleans Collection (HNOC) has wonderful records related to Louisiana, many valuable for genealogy. An admittedly small (but growing), new database may be of interest to some on this list. Called the “Lost Friends” database, it was created for an HNOC exhibition entitled “Purchased Lives: New Orleans and the Domestic Slave Trade, 1808-1865.” The database comprises selected advertisements from the Southwestern Christian Advocate placed by former slaves looking to be reunited with their families and loved ones. Initially for the exhibition the searchable database comprised about 330 such ads. A recent article in the HNOC Quarterly states that the database has now doubled in size and at least hundreds more such ads will be added.
Anyone wanting to take a look can see: