Week End Chat - All Members Invited!!! March 25-27, 2016

+20 votes

Welcome!  This is an ongoing "Chat" post that can be added to throughout the weekend.  All members of WikiTree are encouraged to join in, especially first-timers!

Say Hello and introduce yourself... where are you from and what are your interests?

Do you have any tips to share?

How can we improve WikiTree?

What do you enjoy most about WikiTree?

How do you spend your time when not online?

What's the weather like in your neck-of-the-woods today?

What did you do for fun when you were 18?

Do you have a unique pet?

Any great recipes to share?

It is a long week end for many....any plans?

... anything that you want to talk about!


Post answers here, comment on answers, up-vote things you like or agree with and have fun!  To receive notice when future Chats are posted, add Weekend_Chat to the list of Tags you follow.  You can edit your list by clicking on "My Feed" on G2G, then click to "add or edit".  Separate words with and underscore.

in The Tree House by Doug Lockwood G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
Hi everyone, I hope you all enjoyed your week :)
Hi everyone,

Im Anne and I live in Christchurch, New Zealand. This weekend we celebrate the 37th Birthday of my son in law Matthew McNabb, have fun with my two grandkids hunting for easter eggs, and enjoying the last of the warm weather, we are in our Autumn ( Fall) now. I am enjoying wikitree very much although there is soooo very much to understand about geneology, that it is very easy to make mistakes, I guess slow and steady is the thing, thanks for all those who have helped me so far, have a great Easter Holiday.
Happy Birthday Matthew!

11 Answers

+21 votes
Best answer


Someone just flew by...

by Keith Hathaway G2G6 Pilot (652k points)
selected by Maggie Stern-McJannet
It's Broccoli Man!!!!!! Does your accessory belt hold cheese?



Betty, He is WikiTree Man.
Well of course he is. That makes more sense.

That takes courage. To wear broccoli errr wikitree on your shirt. Not to mention the tights. Haven't worn those since I was seventeen.


Hilarious ! WikiTree aka Broccoli ~ it's great..I love it.
Does he do windows,,,,just askin
WikiTree-Man believes in doing his part, and collaborating with others doing the same.  Windows are no problem.
He doesn't even need a suspended platform. He can fly.
Wait,,,,re the collaboration part,,,,,does this mean I'm going to be doing 'his' windows,,,,that's ok,,,I'll do the windows 'I' can reach,,,,,,,and,,,he'll do the windows he can reach,,,,,,sounds fair to me
Hah. Just saw this. Thanks, Keith! :-)
We are encouraged to work on the windows that we see through, and share the work with others who view through some of the same.

His real power is that he inspires and enables us all.  He gives us the tools, shows us how, and cheers us on.
15 minutes (my time zone) till the long Easter weekend is over and so is this chat t'il next weekend,,,is that the way it goes,,,,anyway,,,,came here just now,,,,saw the great comment above,,,,and just came in to have the last word,,,,and here it is,,,,,the last WORD,,,,,nothing to say after the comment above me,,,,,it sums up Brocoli Man,,,aka Wiki (tree) Man,,,,to a tee,,,,and so I say Adieu t'il next weekend,,,enjoyed this very much,,,good to have fun,,,
+15 votes
Good morning, Doug! I always check my ANNIVERSARIES wikitree list in the menu to see what profiles I can fix from my watchlist. I should be colouring eggs soon for baskets (-:
by Maggie N. G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
Posting pictures is required (LOL)!
+17 votes
Hi Gang

Holiday weekend for many....my plans are church services & enjoying the nice weather.

If you have not seen the FAQ page for the One Name Studies Project, created by Alison Andrus, please check it out.

My week has been great, I had several major breakthroughs on my wife's line leading to Puritan origins & two common lines with me. I had been working on those lines for several years....all of a sudden VOILA, the records were there!

What's new?
by Doug Lockwood G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)

Two of my sons share the same birthday, which was this week....lots of cake & catnip!




Love the pictures, Doug !
My two toy dogs bark at pictures of animals on screens,,this kitty ,,,there's something about it's expression,,,can't put my finger on it,,,am I the first one to mention.it?  Here in the okanagan Valley,British Columbia spring is springing,,,birdies are singng,,,,grandaughters here for weekend with my daughter,,,so hapy to have them,,,,except,,,I am not looking forward to wrapping dozens of chocolate covered almond 'eggs' in tinfoil

Bah humbug,,,Grammy's a health food nut
+13 votes
My wife and I are staying at home this weekend and studying Koine Greek.  We're going to look in particular at the passion passages in the origiinal Greek to see what we can find.  

As for my Genealogy, I'm going to follow up on a remark I made in answering a question here and find out what communications need to be followed up on.  I'll be setting up lists in Microsoft One Note to keep from losing track of what I've done and what i need to do and maybe even send out some invitations to correspondents to check out WikiTree.
by Living Dardinger G2G6 Pilot (456k points)
+14 votes
I will not be on Wikitree much this weekend  because I am out of State visiting family. I have a new amateur call sign, K8DOB, and will be spending my time relaxing in the outdoors with warm 78 degree temperatures.
by Dale Byers G2G Astronaut (1.8m points)

I took a few minutes to create a profile for American comedian, actor, writer, producer and director and Ham Radio Operator Garry Emmanuel Shandling. It is an Open profile and I am out of town so feel free to add to it in any way possible.


After we finish with the picnic and Easter egg hunt in this beautiful weather I might try and post some pictures. I also have to help my granddaughter with a family tree for a youth group she belongs to
+16 votes

Hey All,

Easter Sunday will be spent at my Mother-In-Laws in Puyallup, Washington. (Puh-al-up) It's an Indian name.

Via the Urban Dictionary:

Middle-class town surrounded by hick towns, and often confused with being a hick town. When consulting one of the surrounding town's residents they will tell you that Puyallup is full of "spoiled rich kids." If you venture further north they will swear that it is a trash town where people live in trailers and have cows. The reality is somewhere between, although the only cows that actually end-up in Puyallup are brought there for the fair by the toothless hicks from surrounding towns such as Sumner, Graham, and Orting. These cows are promtly taken home after the 17-day stretch that is the fair.

DumbA%^: "Hey, you're from Puyallup? Haha, do you like have cows? Do you go to the fair a lot?"

Puyallup Resident: Um... No.


I have seen cows there but not crossing the road. The town has been uncountrified in the past twenty years. Big plots of farm land sold for apartment houses. Such a waste.

Anyhoo, the fair is fun once a year. Plus the Daffodil festival is exciting for all the "Daffodil princesses."


by Betty Fox G2G6 Pilot (197k points)

Ok Yeah. That's cool. Loch Ness is pretty. I'm thinking of doing that in moss in my front yard. I'll need a little metal work done so I have to be nice to the hubby.




+14 votes
Its a long weekend - and plenty to do which is just as well as it is a long weekend. Did some work gardening this afternoon in warm and sunny weather. Managed to paint the garden seat that had needed painting since last summer. Weather is not looking so good for the rest of the weekend though.  So maybe find some time for Wikitree.                           One of my friends from school  is back here in Brightlingsea. His house is the old part of town and he had been tracking down ithe history of the building. what makes it interesting for me is that one of my ancestors was the owner - a connection to the Jefferies,  which is my Mum's family, which I think is brilliant ......

Have a good weekend

by Chris Burrow G2G6 Pilot (231k points)
+13 votes
Hi WikiTreers,

We're recovering from a nasty run of colds here, so we'll be staying home for the Easter weekend, but I have our favorite holiday foods made, including our eggs benedict casserole.  The weather is beautiful so we'll be hunting eggs outside after they've been colored tomorrow.

One of my favorite things right now is my One Name Studies. I have a few brick walls that have gone nowhere for years, and I am hoping by adding all the folks I can with the last name, I can finally track down which Czech village one grandparent was from. The other I don't have high hopes for, but in adding all the George and Ben Browns in Yorkshire for a number of years, maybe I'll finally find mine. ONS are ones thing I would recommend to anyone to add to your research!

The hubby's birthday is Monday, so I'll be making a caramel pretzel-crust cheesecake, too, so it can refrigerate before then.

With the weather turning I hope to start getting back to Iowa cemeteries to add here, too. It's been over a year since the last time I went out, so I am excited. The kids' bikes are getting tune ups so they an entertain themselves once they tire of watching me walk around :-)

Off to catch up on email. Happy weekend everyone!
by Abby Glann G2G6 Pilot (829k points)
21 inches of snow yesterday, a pause today and another 5 expected tonight.
You just keep that out West, Michael! We went for a nice walk today to enjoy the 50 degree weather (Fahrenheit). I think most of that is supposed ot end up rain once it gets to the Midwest.
+18 votes
Thanks for getting the weekend rolling.

Our Genealogy had it's Friday Family Finders today at the Library.  One of our drop-ins is dying of cancer and she was raised in an orphanage.  We have taken on the task of trying to find her brother and hopefully her two sisters.  She last saw her brother at age 15 and today she is 71.
by Michael Stills G2G6 Pilot (550k points)

Awesome endeavour, Michael! Be sure to hit up our Adoption Angels project for help. There are some super skilled people there.

Well, wish you every success with the search.....
Bless you,,,,warms my heart ,,,,thankyou for the inspiration
best of luck. I'm proud of all that pursue this and generate a raft of interesting angles that somewhere may be tthe key to success.
+12 votes
First, Happy Easter to everyone

Last night while helping my granddaughter with a family tree project for a youth group, I gave her a list of important facts to find out about  her fathers side of the family. This included First name, Last name at birth, Birth date, and I thought I said OR Death date. she went up to her Grandmother and "Grandma when do you expect to die?". It is a good thing that Grandma has a good sense of humor. After she had the information needed and the others left my daughter was amazed when I had taken the one line back to the early 1800's in 20 minutes and even traced some back to the early 1600's before we went to bed. I did not have to create all new profiles because I found some of those ancestors already on WikiTree and adopted those that had no manager. Well off to get ready for church and hope to possibly do more on this project for my Granddaughter before we leave for home tomorrow.
by Dale Byers G2G Astronaut (1.8m points)
I still have not even started on that Grandfathers line yet.
+12 votes
just wanted to drop in now at the end of a great Easter Sunday. Together with family.

I have just celebrated my first year on WikiTree. It took me a while to figure how, and what to start. It has definitely been successful trip so far. Learning a lot from everyone and getting some expertise that I can share to make the Tree stronger. I spend almost no time on the other optional sites. That surprises me somewhat. I thought I would do a bit of everything. I still have close regular messages from  some "cousins" who are working hard and smart on the other sites and they certainly pop up with a variety of good potential links.

That world outside Wikitree is different, but worth the time to sustain contact with genealogy workers that you can keep up-close contact with.

Hi again to all, and thanks for guiding me.
by Marty Ormond G2G6 Mach 5 (58.6k points)

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