Are Any Italian Census Records Available Online?

+10 votes
Hi all,

are any census records available for Sicily, particularly for the Provinces of Agrigento and Palermo, between 1875 and 1920?

I just realised that if I could look through those then my research could be much smoother.
WikiTree profile: Nicola Antonino Trizzino
in Genealogy Help by Michael Hruska G2G6 Mach 5 (59.7k points)
If you find any links for Italy please add them to Kitty's Library:   Thank You
I have been transcribing for FamilySearch heavily in the last few years.  Their recent projects have been birth, marriage, and death records which should been coming available.  I have not seen any census records go by. -NGP
I use all the time and have found hundreds of people from Alia, Sicilia that way. Not all Italian towns are indexed yet and I would like to know when they will be.



2 Answers

+8 votes
Here's the FamilySearch wiki on Italy with a lot of links. No mention of the census as such but I notice there are more pages on "Research Strategies" and "Research Tools".
by Rosemary Jones G2G6 Pilot (273k points)
Thank You Rosemary, I'll add it to Kitty's Library :)
It doesn't appear there is very much there, unfortunately. FamilySearch's wiki, catalogue and books are excellent resources for all manner of things. I use them extensively.
+6 votes
I've been doing most of my research in Corleone, in Palermo province, near the Agrigento border. Most of what they have is not indexed, but it's extensive. Church baptism, marriage, and death records. There are also Church censuses called Stato delle Anime. If you follow any links from this space to the profiles, look at the sources I'm using. They take some getting used to, but there are often indices at the beginnings of the books.
by Justin Cascio G2G6 (6.4k points)

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