Adding badges for 250, 500, or 750 entries per month.

+15 votes
For people such as myself that only add one person at a time, the dictance between 100 per month to 1,000 per month is a large step. It would me neat to have badges in-between 100 & 1,000. Any thoughts on this?
WikiTree profile: Clark-19450
in Policy and Style by Living Clark G2G3 (4.0k points)
Search " Club 500 ". A little birdie told me "It won't be happening soon as the monthly contribution badges are manually sent out, is labor intensive & the programs are not set up for it."
I don't know.  You'd only get one badge per month, whether it's 100 or 1000 contributions.  Presumably, indeed obviously, the 100 contribution badge is automated to some extent or there wouldn't be reason to worry about the extra work for a higher level.  And the system instantly records additions to your contribution level and even displays the calculation of how many more contributions you need to qualify for either badge.  I don't see that there should be much difficulty technically.  But I do think it might be that it's considered necessary to have a fairly large gap in order to encourage those who can reach 1000 to work hard to do it.
My question wasn't about the striving to get a higher level contributions badge, but only to stimulate some addition reward for additional work. As for myself I can live with what we have; but as I have 141,000 names to input, even with the impact of maybe half of them being already input by others, then at the rate I'm going, it might take me 20-30 years to fully input my data. The decision will not impact my level of participation, as I fully intend to continue my contributions at a level I can maintain.

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