Error creating ID

+8 votes
I'm trying to create a spouse of Rouse-1067.  The wife's given name is Avey with an Unknown maiden name.  I input all the data several times double checking for errors.  Each time I get "Error with duplicate ID when creating account for Unknown"
Unable to create/save new spouse."

I tried it from her husband's edit page and from his home page.

I checked the box that asks if this new spouse is the daughter of Burrell Rouse (yes).

Any ideas to fix?  Thanks! Barb
WikiTree profile: Burrell Rouse
in WikiTree Tech by Living Breece G2G6 Mach 4 (47.0k points)

I'm a bit confused.  You say, " I checked the box that asks if this new spouse is the daughter of Burrell Rouse (yes)." How can the wife be the daughter of her husband?  Is that just a typo?  

Hi Dave, That sounds exactly like something I would do . . . but apparently is not the problem.  It wanted me to confirm the child of Burrell (Sarah)  was also a child of the mother (Avey) . . . she is . . . but can't get Mom in.  Thanks for the input!  Barb
Hi Barb,

I'm sorry for the trouble. Thanks for reporting it.

Is the problem still happening for you? Right now I'm able to create new profiles with an Unknown LNAB, but I'm not sure if I'm missing the problem or if it's been resolved or what. I'm not able to recreate it right now.

It worked perfectly, whatever you did.  Thanks for such a quick fix! Barb
This bug has reappeared; I cannot create a new Minnaert profile.
Hi Lennart,

I tested creating a new profile with the LNAB Minnaert and it worked for me. Is it still not working for you? Thanks!

Thanks! I still cannot create a profile with this LNAB, neither as a father or as an unrelated person.
Hi Lennart,

Can you copy-and-paste the error you're getting? I just tested creating new profiles named Minnaert and Minnaart and I'm not getting it.

Could there be some non-Latin character you're using? What's the exact LNAB you're using?


I was able to create it too now, on my Android phone. It looks like the problem was with both PC's I tried before (CentOS and Ubuntu). Thanks for your help, Chris.

2 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer
This problem has, as best I can tell, just cropped up. At least 5 instances: Yours, two of mine, and two others. I think it's a system problem, but since it's a holiday weekend, tech attention could be delayed a bit. I'm using "Temporary" for LNAB for now. It shouldn't be hard to go back and find those to make corrections later. Patch fix until someone who knows what they're doing addresses the problem.
by Living Winter G2G6 Mach 8 (82.2k points)
selected by Living Breece
I've been having this problem also since last night. It is NOT intermittent from what I can tell.
Elizabeth, I found those other problem periods, maybe it happened again but I do need to review it, I could be checking that Sarah Rouse wrong . . . thanks to another person kind enough to answer.  We'll see, in the meantime, I hope wiki sees this and checks on it.  Thanks again!


Elizabeth, et al --

I've already posted this on the other questions regarding this problem, but I'll put it here, too:

Please repurpose a profile from the Recycle Unknowns category rather than creating a new surname of Temporary. 

Also, if you haven't already, go ahead and send an email to with details about what you were doing and any error messages you received.


+1 vote

Personally, I would not create the Id until the last name at birth is known. In the meantime, in the bio of Sarah Rouse I would state

Sarah was born in 1808, the daughter of [[Rouse-1067|Burrell Rouse]] and Avery unknown.

by Leslie Cooper G2G6 Mach 5 (51.6k points)
I once created an unsourced profile for someone called Unknown Unknown. And yes, it did provide information not available had I not created it. I think it's a good thing that various people work different ways here on WikiTree.

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