Are you a member of the Magna Carta Project? Are you also a member of the new Google Group?

+27 votes

Hi! The Magna Carta project recently added a project profile, WikiTree-36, and a Google Group. I sent invitations to 1/3rd of the members, and continue to comb my e-mails for project members' e-mails (needed to send an invitation to the Google Group). I posted to base camp that members should request an invite, but have discovered that WikiTree Google Groups are invitation-only. So, if you're a member of the project but not a member of the Google Group, please send me a private message through WikiTree so that I can send you an invitation. You need to be a member of the Project to join the Google Group. If you're interested in joining the project, please read the project page & base camp first & then contact one of the project's co-Leaders. Thanks!

WikiTree profile: Magna Carta Project WikiTree
in The Tree House by Liz Shifflett G2G6 Pilot (695k points)
retagged by Keith Hathaway
I would like to be added to the Magna Carta Project.


Carol Young
Liz, I need an invite to the GoogleGroup.
Thanks. Vic
Hi Vic! I just resent the invite to you (maybe twice; maybe not at all - I haven't done a re-send for a while, and the screen didn't show that it was sent, which it does when I do an initial invite... let me know if you don't get it).
Hi everyone - my response to Vic was flagged, but I cleared it. Please send me a private message if the flag wasn't an accident so that I can fix whatever the problem was. Thanks!

(Flags are used to mark posts that are spam or inappropriate)
Sorry for the delay Carol - I've added you. Cheers, Liz

2 Answers

+10 votes
Best answer
No, i would ,Ike to be
by Teresa Langford G2G6 Mach 1 (15.5k points)
selected by Maggie N.
You're now a project member - thanks for joining! I sent you a private message. Once you reply to that, I can add you to the Google Group. Welcome to the project!

Cheers, Liz
+9 votes
Yes. I am a member of the Magna Carta Project and a member of the new Google Group. :)
Thank you very much for the work you are doing for the MCP.
by Bettye Carroll G2G6 Mach 5 (56.9k points)

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