Can anyone help with information on John Owen Rowlett (1847-1918)?

+7 votes

I am relatively new to Wikitree, and this is my first attempt to participate in the G2G forum, so if I am "out of order" please help me to understand.

The genealogy information I have found indicates:

John Owen Rowlett (1847-1918), son of Dr. Daniel Rowlett, married Laura Minta Owen on August 4, 1869 in Jackson County, Texas.  This marriage would yield 10 children: Mary Laura (1873); John Owen, II (1874); Ruth Ida (1876); Henry Jones (1877); Abram Owen (1878); George Simons (1884); Flora (1888); Daniel (1891); Pansy; and William.  


A second marriage to Augusta Harriet White would yield 6 additional children: Clark L. Owen (1875); Hally J. (1878); Bessie Owen (1879); Bessie Roensch (1880); Mary Estelle (1888); and Daniel White (1891)"


He was a county sheriff, which leads me to be suspect that he would not be married to two women at the same time - with 7 of 10 children in the first marriage born after the first child in the second marriage.  All lived within a very small town in South Texas, so it is not likely there were secrets at this level - and polygamy was not legal at that time in this area.  

Thanks in advance for any/all information that might help me sort this mystery into something realistic.   

WikiTree profile: John Rowlett
in Genealogy Help by George Rowlett G2G Crew (830 points)

3 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

The 1900 Census lists Augusta married to John in 1886:

Name: Augusta H Rowlett
Age: 50
Birth Date: Jan 1850
Birthplace: Texas
Home in 1900: Justice Precinct 1, Jackson, Texas
Race: White
Gender: Female
Relation to Head of House: Wife
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: John O Rowlett
Marriage Year: 1886
Years Married: 14
Father's Birthplace: North Carolina
Mother's Birthplace: Kentucky
Mother: number of living children: 4
Mother: How many children: 5
Occupation: View on Image
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
John O Rowlett 52
Augusta H Rowlett 50
John O Rowlett 25
Ruth I Rowlett 22
Hally J Rowlett 21
Mary E Rowlett 11
G Darrell Rowlett 9
Clark L Owen 25
Bessie Owen 20


Source Citation

Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 1, Jackson, Texas; Roll: 1648; Page: 24A; Enumeration District:0058; FHL microfilm: 1241648

by Doug Lockwood G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
selected by George Rowlett
+1 vote
by Brian Penske G2G6 Mach 6 (66.7k points)
+1 vote

His marriage to Laura was in 1869:

Name: John O. Rowlett
Marriage Date: 4 Aug 1869
Marriage Place: Jackson, Texas, USA
Spouse: Laura Owen
Source: Texas Marriages, 1814-1909


Source Information

Texas, Marriage Collection, 1814-1909 and 1966-2011 

by Doug Lockwood G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)

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