Where is the burial place of Bernard Leo Sutton who died in service during WW1?

+8 votes
Bernard Leo Sutton born 7/4/1891 in Richmond, Nelson, NZ is the half brother of my grandfather, Wilfred Martin Sutton.    He was wounded during WW1 and later died in service in 1915, age 26.  Where was he buried?  This will then complete my research of our Sutton family.
WikiTree profile: Bernard Sutton
in Genealogy Help by
retagged by Keith Hathaway

I have searched the records at the Auckland War Memorial Online Cenotaph [ http://www.aucklandmuseum.com/war-memorial/online-cenotaph ]  and can find no record of WW1 service for Bernard Leo Sutton.

Do you know if he may have used another name when he enlisted, or do you have some other source/evidence that he did serve with the New Zealand Expeditionary Force?
As far as I am aware no other names were used; his birth certificate states Bernard Leo Sutton, born 7 April 1891.  We understand he was wounded during WW1 but did not return to New Zealand.  He was possibly hospitalised and died some time later.

2 Answers

+2 votes
Lynette, I can find no record of death in the Commonwealth War Graves Commission aligning to the name you have given, good luck with your endeavours regards, David Allen.
by David Allen G2G1 (1.1k points)
Thank you for this.
+2 votes
He died at (Whanganui) Wanganui "on or about 6th April 1918" according to the testimony of his wife Lilian Elizabeth Sutton - see probate

you could apply for a copy of Probate held at Nat. Archives Wellington - see https://www.archway.archives.govt.nz/RefineItemBriefDescSearch.do

Probate was at Wanganui District Court 1918

A full copy of the probated documents is available to view online at Familysearch https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QSQ-G933-Q421?mode=g&i=320&wc=QZMZ-RNF%3A1045247801%2C1045592401%3Fcc%3D1865481&cc=1865481
by Valerie Willis G2G6 Pilot (122k points)
edited by Valerie Willis

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