As a Notable Project Member, the way we do the notable profiles are exactly about genealogy. Part of the study of genealogy is not just only about the line in which they descend from but also about the person as well. We are allowed to use the sources and information on Wikipedia to complete that information since they are notables. This is how we get the clues of where to search for such records as birth, death, census, etc. But you also have to remember that with a living notable, it is difficult to publish that information when it comes to privacy. Also, census records of 1950 and on are not available and won't be for awhile. So there may be those records but no one has access to them.
Part of the notable project is to list why they were notables. The person you mentioned was an author, so naturally the person that created the profile or adopted and improved the profile, would want to include that information in there. Those are achievements to be proud of. Being related to several notable characters, I'm very proud of those that I am related to through ancestors and could only hope to one day have the same said about me by my descendants or 30 times removed cousins who might do this very same thing years down the road.
They way I look at it, at least those that might do this then, have a pretty good head start and don't have to ask those questions of "well we know when they were born, died, etc... what did they do with their lives?"
Genealogy tells a story. So read the story.