Assistance transferring the Susie Virginia Porter genealogy of the Porters to Wikitree?

+9 votes
My great aunt has diligently been transferring our massive binder of family history to I was wondering if anyone would be interested in assisting with transferring here. At the moment, the Geni.Com family tree spans at least 5000 of my blood relatives and out to my 13th great grandpa. I am awaiting a GEDCOM export which will be a fragment of the overall document.

Update: the family tree for Susie V. Porter is also available on the
WikiTree profile: Sue Porter
in Requests for Project Volunteers by Ian Mclean G2G6 Mach 1 (14.4k points)
edited by Ian Mclean
I'd just like to say that it's awesome that you have access to all that information. I got curious the other day, and looked up how many people have been born since 1 AD, compared that estimate with the number of profiles on WikiTree, and then derived a percentage. The result wasn't very encouraging. So adding 5,000+ profiles (less matches) would go some way towards improving that number.

Yeah, I thought so too which is why I figured that it would be appropriate to post this here. Even if pulling the data from ends up being like pulling teeth, the Porter descendants will probably be able to make great use of the data as reference. I've already been seeing an uptick of Porters being entered into the wikitree since I posted this.

I had forgotten about my Grandama Sue's genealogy obsession until I started here.
May I make a suggestion.  Rather than importing a GEDCOM into the tree why don't you use your grandmothers data and add to the tree profile by profile.  That way you wont come up with a lot of duplicates.  Yes, I know its harder but it will be a better tree in the end.  Also, no matter how good your grandmother  was, there are probably errors that you need to correct.  Also you will get a better picture of what your grandmother was trying to accomplish.  I am open to help you. I love doing other peoples genealogy.

David T. Robertson Robertson-7481
Great advice, David! I hope Ian takes you up on your offer!
And how do you propose exchanging data? At this point, I know there are around 10,700 profiles linked out to 13 generations on And I am fairly certain there are more generations.
Pick a profile and see what your great Aunt did on that person copy the data to Wiikitree then and check for duplicates move on to the next person. When I joined WikTree my GEDCOM was too large for  them to use I would have had to go one by One and eliminate duplicates.  I started with myself and did each profile as it came up.  By now I have almost completed the whole line.  I  still fimd data from FamilySearch and Ancestry but its getting less and less and I'm moving into new lines that haven't been done before even after 30  years of genealogy.And I've only been with Wikitree less than a year.  See my patches, there are only eight of them and I get a 100 patch every Month.and one 1000 patch.  I'll take  a look at your FaamilySearch site and see where I think I can start.  David
I have traced one of the Mayflower ancestor claims. John Alden through his son, David Alden, and granddaughter, Ruth Alden, is supposed to be related to Susie Virginia Porter. The crux of the issue at the moment is that there is an unsourced link between Marion Carpenter and Mary Chapman; Sally Crane is supposedly a descendant of Mary Chapman and thereby a descendant of John Alden.

2 Answers

+3 votes
Creating more than 5000 individual profiles in Wikitree would certainly be a big undertaking.  I think your best option is to import a GEDCOM however you may have to break up a large file in order to successfully upload it. Review  for additional information.
by David Douglass G2G6 Pilot (131k points)
I am aware of GEDCOM exportation and importation. does not allow the whole GEDCOM to be exported at once. If I understand the limitations correctly, I will get an exceedingly small fragment of my family tree from each application of the process: I applied for a GEDCOM export from about two days ago and have yet to see anything from it.

So even with the GEDCOM exporting abilities, there will need to be a pretty intensive transfer process instituted. Plus the media transfers. Great Grandma Sue kept an impressive quantity of pictures and documents.
Perhaps you could also entice a few family members to join wikitree as genealogists and persuade them to help add to your family tree.   I'm sorry that I don't have the time to take on a project of that size.  Ive been a wikitree member for almost two years and have managed to make less than 10k entries.

Best wishes
He can still  do the gedcom when he gets it.  But yesterday I started the line and am working forward already.  

David T Robertson
+3 votes
I love doing data entry and being unemployed at the moment, I have lots of time on my hands!

I'd love to help out. You'd need to send me the information through email. Send me a  private message if you want me to help out :)
by Kirsty Ward G2G6 Mach 3 (38.3k points)

Kirsty Ward , please feel free to work on any of the profiles that I manage. Evelyn Good  Goode-949 recently joined us. Several new connections were made on this line recently. My grandmother is a Goode. TY Kindly

OK Add your first person: Porter-9301 is the father of Susie Virginia Porter.  Then we can go on from there.  David
I need your email address to put you in as manager.  Mine is David


He has all the data on Family Search as well.  So, I used that and started a line.  Let me know what surname you are following and we can get a jump on tto the project while he is waiting for the gedcom.  The link is 

Update: the family tree for Susie V. Porter is also available on the

WikiTree profile: Sue Porter

Ian has some valuable info there. 

David T. Robertson 

I have submitted the GEDCOM for Sue Porter out to 6 or 7 generations. Found quite a few matches. Also, I am pretty sure that and are duplicates as well as their husband; I have set an unmerged match on them for review.
It looks like a match for me.
Love to help you out :) Let me know where I can start for you :)

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