Is there native American blood in the Barker family line? I had been told by my now deceased Mother that my grt G-ma Amanda Barker Botkin was at least 1/2 Amer-Indian, and there are memories recalled of an Indian man visiting Amanda on occasion in Hill Co Tx. He came on foot, stayed a few days (sleeping on the floor), and departed across the fields. These are related memories of Grndkids of Amanda's who were born about 1915, so this must have been at least 1920 probably. Amanda died in 1931, having outlived her husband Dr Richard B Botkin by a number of years. They moved to Tx from Missouri in the 1870s with several other family members. Hard to verify family lore, no doubt. just wondering if any of you distant cousins have any info or even inuendo. Thanks for a reply, Carol Drake Fink