Haplogroup projects?

+14 votes
Hi all! I'm participating in the DNA project; however, I was wondering if there are projects (or interest in projects) more specific to haplogroups? Is that perhaps too granular a focus?
in The Tree House by Kelley Harrell G2G6 Mach 1 (18.6k points)
retagged by Keith Hathaway
It is not a WikiTree project, but I have been working on a free space page for a mtDNA haplogroup.


4 Answers

+3 votes
I have no idea what a haplogroup is,is it a particular location or area?
by Iain Cooke G2G6 Mach 1 (12.0k points)

The wikipedia answer:

"haplogroup is a genetic population group of people who share a common ancestor on the patrilineal or matrilineal line. "

When you do DNA testing through 23andme of FTDNA, one of the pieces of info you learn is the haplogroup of the line(s) you are testing for. So you can learn a common originating ancestor (?), the region the line originated, and potentially be connected with others in that group. It's potentially very helpful in widening genealogical research.

+1 vote
by Peter Roberts G2G6 Pilot (745k points)
Thank you!!
+7 votes
It would be a wonderful contribution to Wikitree. I administer many of the Y and mtDNA haplogroup projects at GENI. They have been very useful. They have allowed for a number of spin off projects. See the South African mtDNA - Female Progenitors project for example:

by Living Baker G2G6 Mach 4 (44.3k points)
Nice! Thank you!
What are some of the advantages of a haplogroup project at GENI (rather than another site such as WikiTree)?
Sorry Peter I missed your message before.

I think it could be done just as well on Wikitree as it is done on GENI. The main difference is the number of profiles and researchers.
If Geni had no duplicate profiles and WikiTree had no duplicate profiles then how much larger do you believe Geni is?  It is my understanding that Geni has a relatively large number of duplicates and WikiTree has relatively few duplicates.

Do you see much advantage of WikiTree automatically associating Y-DNA and mtDNA with their respective direct ancestral lines?  I don't believe Geni does that.

Thanks and sincerely,  Peter
GENI has an order of magnitude (10x) more profiles than Wikitree does. I don't know the statistics about the number of duplicates on each site. My personal impression is that Wikitree has more duplicates as a percent of the total number of profiles than GENI does. I'm equally active on both sites and I have way more duplicates to deal with her on Wikitree. On GENI I track all my ancestors and GENI gives me a list of possible duplicates and if any appear they are merged immediately either by me or by a curator. However, I would imagine that the duplicate issue probably varies. My ancestors are all from old New England and they are pretty tightly monitored on GENI. I can’t speak for what happens with trees with ancestors from other countries or other regions. On GENI the GEDCOM import thing works poorly. However, they have a Chrome plugin so you can batch copy over profiles from other sites like Ancestry.com with a click on a button. So people can zoom around adding dozens of profiles in a second. That makes it very easy to grow the tree. It’s a killer app! I think that’s a large part of why their tree is growing so fast.  


Automatic propagation of DNA results: Y, mtDNA and Autosomal is the key to the future of genetic genealogy. I think GENI really suffers from the lack of that feature. It is a huge benefit to Wikitree users. I think this is huge. On GENI we have to add them by hand using Haplogroup Projects. That is slow but there are more volunteers to do it. So you can see from the S.A. mtDNA project URL above we have a lot of progress already. But it would be so much easier if we had an auto-propagate feature like WIkitree on GENI. On GENI a lot of important DNA information is just unknown to us :(
+4 votes
Most likely it would probably fall into the scope of a sub project rather then its own project. It could be established as its own free space pages. I guess the inherent question would be mainly how far to break it up. N, R etc or as far as n-231, R1a1, R1a1b1 etc
by Matt Pryber G2G6 Mach 5 (54.3k points)

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