Need a bit of help on James P Miller - Congressional Medal of Honor.

+14 votes
I just entered James P Miller who is, I think, a relative of mine and won the Congressional Medal of Honor in the Civil War.  I expect there's some notice which should be added to his profile and something to be done for the Military and War project which I'm a member of. I have a couple of other questions/help needs, but it's my bedtime so I'll continue in the morning. .
WikiTree profile: James Miller
in Genealogy Help by Living Dardinger G2G6 Pilot (456k points)
retagged by Maggie N.

2 Answers

+8 votes
Best answer
OMW = On My Way. I just helped edit this one. Will be my pleasure to work it up.

 And my 4th Gr Gf :
by Anonymous Vickery G2G6 Pilot (269k points)
selected by Living Dardinger

2nd Lieutenant, York County Sheriff & Nebraska State Senator. That should get us started :). tiz 4 A.M. Good night :)

+7 votes

There was a James P. Miller who was a private in the US Army.  He received it for 

April 2, 1865

Selma, Alabama

Capture of flag of 12 Mississippi Cavalry (CSA)


There were a lot of Medal of Honors issued during the Civil War.  The criteria was not the same as we have now.  They were issued for capturing the enemy's flag or capturing a general or bringing ammunition.


Here is a link to his headstone.

 Here is the remarks from that site:

Pvt. James Miller (1834-1918), a member of the 4th Iowa Cavalry, received the Medal of Honor for capturing the flag of the 12th Mississippi Cavalry at Selma, Alabama on April 12, 1865. Miller was from New London, Iowa but moved to York, Nebraska in 1870 and farmed, served as Sheriff of York County and as a state Senator. It is rare to have two Medal of Honor recipients in the same cemetery but John Shapland of the 104th Illinois is also buried here. He was awarded the Medal of Honor for bravery at Elk River, Tennessee on July 2, 1863. There is also a statue of a Civil War Soldier here in Greenwood Cemetery.


I found this on an ancestry site.

James P Miller, having been in the United States Union Army for about one-and-a-half years, and riding as a Private in Company "D", 4th Iowa Volunteer Cavalry Regiment was traveling and fighting in the southern states of Arkansas, Tennessee, Alabama, and Georgia. On 02 April 1865, at the battle site in and around the town of Selma, Alabama, J P Miller's unit, along with other Northern units, came face to face with a large southern contingent of rebel fighters, one group being the 12th Mississippi Cavalry.

The info states he was a Private but his headstone lists him as a Lieutenant.  He may have remained in the Army and was promoted.  I assume these are the same two people.  I can't say if this is your ancestor.


by Steve Cole G2G6 Mach 2 (26.0k points)

Yes it is his ancestor. Yes I added lots of source to the page. Notes shows: 

  • marleythedawg at this profile has mega information & source. Find A grave & a few others. 
  • became 2nd Lieutenant on: 15 Jul 1865, there after served: United States Colored Troops, 138 Infantry Regiment.
  • Awarded CMOH on: 17 June 1865.
  • Find a grave 
  • Etc... Etc...
I have a longer version of that Ancestry quote but don't know where it came from.  It does mention that he was promoted to 2nd Lieutenant shortly after gettig.  BTW James is my relative, not my ancestor.  I have a pretty good reasons to think his father Jacob was a son of William Miller my 3ggrandfather.  But I don't have a smoking gun source for who Jacob's father was.  It would be nice if I could find out as it might lead to finding where William Miller came from back east.  But that's for another g2g question  For now, thanks John and Steve!

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