Any information on John Angus Mckinnon, born 1856 in Cape Breton?

+9 votes
He is last known living in Derby, New Brunswick Canada in 1898.
in Genealogy Help by D MacKinnon G2G Crew (440 points)

4 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer     Canada Census, 1891.

Angus Mckinnon

Canada Census, 1891

Name Angus Mckinnon
Gender Male
Age 35
Relationship to Head of Household Head
Birth Year (Estimated) 1856
Birthplace Nova Scotia
Marital Status Married
Religion Free Church
Province New Brunswick
District Northumberland
District Number 17
Sub-District Derby
Affiliate Film Number 30953_148104
by Frank Gill G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
selected by D MacKinnon
This is my Angus, but I cannot get any further than this. His "widow" Anna Grace (Clouston) (born 1868 in New Brunswick, Canada) Mckinnon had a son in 1898, in Bucksport, Maine. The trail of Angus stops after the 1891 census.
+6 votes    View orginal document.

John Mckinnon

mentioned in the record of John Mckinnon and Annie Breen

Name John Mckinnon
Event Type Marriage
Event Date 06 Jun 1907
Event Place , British Columbia, Canada
Gender Male
Age 51
Marital Status Bachelor
Birth Year (Estimated) 1856
Birthplace Glace Bay, Cape Breton
Father's Name Neill Mckinnon
Mother's Name Christie Farrell
Spouse's Name Annie Breen
Spouse's Gender Female
Spouse's Age 43
Spouse's Marital Status Spinster
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated) 1864
Spouse's Birthplace Wexford, Ireland
Spouse's Father's Name George Breen
Spouse's Mother's Name Ann Wall
Certificate Type License
Registration Number 07-09-145194
by Frank Gill G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
+6 votes      View original document.

John Mc Kinnon

Nova Scotia Deaths

Name John Mc Kinnon
Event Type Death
Event Date 28 Nov 1932
Event Place River Ryan, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada
Gender Male
Age 76
Birth Year (Estimated) 1856
Father's Name Neil Mc Kinnon
Mother's Name Mary McKinnon
Certificate Number 1713


by Frank Gill G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
+6 votes     View of Death Certificate


Angus Mc Kinnon

Nova Scotia Deaths

Name Angus Mc Kinnon
Event Type Death
Event Date 30 Jan 1929
Event Place Hays River, Inverness, Nova Scotia, Canada
Gender Male
Age 73
Birth Year (Estimated) 1856
Father's Name Allan Mc Kinnon
Mother's Name Annie McInnes
Certificate Number 560
by Frank Gill G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
Born Dec 26th, 1856, a farmer who lived in Canada all his life. Died of pneumonia at age 73 yrs, 1 month and 4 days. Scotch origin, widowed. Informant is Allan Mckinnon, father, born Nova Scotia.
Hard to say. In the 1861 census, my Angus's parents state they were born in Scotland. The death certificate, as filled out by this Angus's father himself, states he was born in Canada. I have seen that responses many people make on successive census forms changes, particularly with respect to place of birth, but I don't know why Angus's father would change his answer. Any theories? Why would a man list himself as a widower, versus single or divorced if he and his wife had merely gone their separate ways? His wife shows up in the 1900 US census in Maine, along with information that my Grandfather was born in Bucksport ME in 1898. I can't find any record of my GF's birth in the birth records files,either. The unknown is so frustrating.

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