Have you lost your US Presidents?

+28 votes

I lost Eisenhower and Jackson tonight.  Thanks to the great work of the US President's Project. 

And I mean that sincerely.  

It is good to test all relationships and is good to see work being done to strengthen the veracity our tree.  I have long given up on "finding" these special relationships in favor of disproving the relationship.  Do not get me wrong, I like to see the connections whether celebrity or just the good folks on WikiTree.  But I have come to enjoy finding the mistakes and errors because it shows real work in proving a connection and not accepting any given source without checking it.

Well done folks!

in The Tree House by Michael Stills G2G6 Pilot (543k points)
retagged by Robin Lee
Whew! You only lost your Presidents. That means your mind is still exactly where you left it.
I saw those missing presidents of yours... they were next to some marbles.
I lost Eisenhower, also!  Certainly is more important to improve our accuracy than to make a false connection.

Happy hunting, all - we will be connected sooner or later. -NGP
There are certainly a few of them we could lose without anyone caring.
And I just spit out my water. Wet keyboard alert!

2 Answers

+11 votes
And...as the leader of the US President's project, I want to thank the Magna Carta Project for all of the discovery work that they do!   Without their work, we would struggle to know what is "good data"!
by Robin Lee G2G6 Pilot (897k points)
edited by Michael Stills
+7 votes
I was once the first cousin, many times removed, of MacBeth, as in Shakespeare.  That lasted for a couple of months.  I have been descended from Charlemagne, and a distant cousin of Queen Elizabeth II, more times than I can count.  Oh, and we had a wonderful visit to Shrewsbury, England, and drove out in the countryside to see the family castle, only to discover in the Shrewsbury library the next day that it wasn't really ours.   It's always fun while it lasts and when you disprove the relationship, it's a bittersweet mixture of loss and virtue.  Perhaps our theme song can be, "A Cousin is a Sometime Thing."  (Sorry, we just saw the Baltimore Symphony do "Porgy and Bess" last weekend!)  Fortunately, being an 8th cousin once removed of President Obama through his Maryland ancestor Richard Cheney has stuck.
by Jack Day G2G6 Pilot (485k points)

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