Shared Photo: Walkup Family

+14 votes

I wanted to share this family photo of Sylvester Walkup with the community. Location: Wichita Falls, Texas. Date: unknown.
Click here for the image details page or here for the full-sized version (2528 x 1971).

WikiTree profile: Sylvester Walkup
in The Tree House by Jodie Wean G2G Crew (910 points)
edited by Keith Hathaway
High quality photo. Thanks, Jodie.

2 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer
This is a lovely photo all dress up looking nice.

Really enjoy looking at this photo
by Susan Laursen G2G Astronaut (3.1m points)
selected by Jodie Wean
This is a very nice photo that I’ve never seen. Sylvester was great grandfather with his oldest son, Maurice being my grandfather and his middle daughter, Dorothy, my mother.

The story that has always been told of Sylvester’s death around our family was he was on his back to Wichita Falls from Phoenix, Az, when he picked up a hitchhiker and while driving through some mountains, (we don’t know where), he was trying to plug a hole in the windshield, while he was driving, and ran of the side of a mountain. He died from the wreck but the hitchhiker walked away. It also happened when my mother was child between 9-11. She was born in 1931 so that would put Sylvester’s death between 1940-‘42.

I was talking to my mom about him last night and her memory is failing. I’m not saying this what really happened, just saying what I’ve always have heard.
+2 votes
What a great family photo! The children all look so tall and healthy. They are prosperous and very happy.
by Bart Triesch G2G6 Pilot (278k points)

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