I see a lot of unsourced links between profiles (child to parent mostly but also spouse). And it's not unusual for a PM to demand a source before unlinking even though there is no real source or evidence provided for having made the link. I wonder if we need something similar to the merge structure for challenging these links. We would initiate an unlink request, or a link challenge, or whatever people want to name it, and wait 30 days. If no repsonse, or if PM denies request without providing evidence, we click an appeal link to have a leader review it, like dispute arbitration.
It's kind of backwards as it is that relationship links can be made without supporting sources/evidence/analysis, but then whoever challenges one has to have proof. I think it could be implemented without complicated programming, mostly just through developing or refining a policy for handling it. *Intended just for open profiles.* If there is something in place that addresses this adequately, please point me to it.