Need English or Scotch-Irish ancestry of David Hill of Chittenden County VT

+6 votes

I would very much appreciate help to find the ancestry of this David Hill:

David HILL
b. 1760/65 prob. Nova Scotia/MA/Maine (date based on census records)
d. bef. 1850 census, prob. Colchester, Chittenden Co VT; possibly enroute to Indiana/Illinois, possibly Chicago area. In the Bridgeport Twp, Cook Co IL census, Betsey (Brownell) Hill is likely the female aged 50 - under 60. Betsey was born 24 Mar 1780, and so recently turned 60 years old. This census shows that David Hill is not living with her, probably died prior to this June 1840 census. Did he die in Vermont, along the way west, or in Chicago prior to this census?

David Hill

m. prob. 1798 Chittenden Co VT

Elizabeth ("Betsey") BROWNELL
b. 24 Mar 1780, prob Canaan Litchfield Co CT
dau. of Ichabod BROWNELL (1750-1814)
and Elizabeth Stanley (c.1755-1841)
desc of John Alden and Priscilla Mullins
d. 13 Jul 1855, Chicago, Cook Co IL
bur. Oakwood Cem Chicago, Cook Co IL

In Oct-Nov 1780, David Hill (with Phineas Hill and Solomon Hill) fought in Ebenezer Allen's Regiment, Captain Samuel Williams' Company, in Oct-Nov 1781 with Phineas Hill in Thomas Hill's Regiment in the VT militia during the American Revolution. [Frances Henry Hill and Dorothy Hill Blust, Alonzo Hill and Susan Elizabeth Northern: Their Antecedents and Afterclaps (Brown Co Gen Soc 1982).] Allen, Ira: 24 Nov 1792 agreement with David Hill and William Munson to lease Burlington sawmill. In a biographical record of Ichabod Brownell Hill, son of Vilentia, David Hill "came from County Antrim, Ireland and settled in VT before the AmRev; he was a physician and surgeon by profession and did some service in that line at the battle of Plattsburg." According to Eva M. Hamilton, her grandfather David Hill's father is an aristocrat from Ulster Ireland.

WikiTree profile: David Hill
in Genealogy Help by Ramona Pekarek G2G4 (4.8k points)
edited by Keith Hathaway

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer
It seems quite possible that your David Hill was the David Hill who was the son of Ahira and Hannah Hill, and born in Lanesborough, MA on June 24, 1759. Ahira Hill had 10 children, including sons named Solomon, Phineas, David, Calvin, Isaac and Edward.

Many of Ahira's children settled in Chittenden County, VT. At the time of the 1790 Census, Solomon was in Poultney, VT and Calvin was in Milton, VT. The 1790 Census shows a David Hill in Colchester (living alone) and also shows a Thomas Hill (leader of the Regiment?). Unclear how, if at all, Thomas Hill was related to Ahira Hill.

I have not personally traced Ahira Hill's ancestry, but Geni shows him as originating in Litchfield County, CT and being descended from the immigrant John Hill of Guilford, CT (d. 1689).

Many of the Chittenden County settlers were from Litchfield, and before that, the Guilford area. A lot of the Chittenden settlers later moved to the mid-West in the early 1800s, after they got tired of farming rocks in VT.
by Chase Ashley G2G6 Pilot (326k points)
selected by Ramona Pekarek

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