Merge three profiles to be merged highest number profile PPP

+6 votes
Susan Greanleaf Warren this profile is PPP it is currently approved in a merge with Greenleaf-348 and another profile Greenleaf-596 should be merged into Greanleaf-348. But the highest number profile is the PPP.  Could someone please change the PPP.  I can complete the merge and propose the other merge as far as I can tell Greenleaf-348 is the lowest number. Thank You.
WikiTree profile: Susan Markham
in The Tree House by Anonymous Roach G2G6 Pilot (203k points)
I removed the PPP.
Thank You Paula. I appreciate it.

1 Answer

+3 votes
The story as I understand it is that Robert Greenleaf left a widow Susan, who married Thomas Markham not Warren.  Nothing much else is known about Susan.

But there's said to be a mistake in the records, and the usual forces of chaos have taken it from there.

At any rate, nobody's LNAB should be Greenleaf, except the 1st husband, who seems to have disappeared.
by Living Horace G2G6 Pilot (656k points)
When I first came on wikitree she was attach to Warren-1125. I had her detached. There is an article that , off the top of my head I think was in William and Mary Quarterly that has her attached to the Thomas Warren she is attached to now and the one she was attached to.  The problem with the article is that it confusses the two Thomas Warrens and makes them one. I have found several online trees accept this and run with the info. I also believe from other sources that she was married to Thomas Markham. I also have an obscure source in storage that says Robert Greenleaf married a Suzzana Warren.  As yet I can find no Suzzana Warren that fits the timeline.  I find nothing to verified she was a Warren at birth. But I do think the profiles are meant to be the same person.  The forces of chaos you mentioned have her born in England and Virginia.  At  this time I think the three profiles should be merged. Or at least cleaned up. I'm going to see what I can dig up but I'm not a pm on any of them.  Thanks RJ
I did a quick check on the notes I do have. It seems the records were mixed as to who she was married to on the ship she came over on. The " Jonathan "   Markham  or Warren. And depending on the fact that not much attention was paid to which Thomas Warren was correct  in v various records it is quite tangled. She is mention in the 1623 census. Anyway.
Trudy, I encourage you to add your analysis, citing your sources, to a Disputed Origins section on her profile (or better: a g2g about the research challenge) so that we can all assess the evidence. Such an analysis might also form the basis of a published journal article if this problem has not yet been resolved. (NGS Quarterly has wonderful examples of such articles.)
I'd love to see a link to the Jonathan passenger list and the 1623 census please. Thanks.
The 1623/4 living and dead list is in the John Camden Hotten book, before the muster, around page 170.

There's no Jonathan passenger list.  There are only synthetic lists based on the people in the muster who said they were on the Jonathan.
Thanks for the explanation, RJ; there are PGM "passenger lists" that are similarly created. But without explanation, people believe there is an actual passenger list. So I added your info to the profile.

We need to remember that when we have this kind of info, we should add it.

Is there a category for the "Jonathan"? That would be great if there was; we could explain it there, too.

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