What is the proper place of birth for those born prior to the 1708 Electorate of Hannover? The Holy Roman Empire?

+10 votes
in Policy and Style by Gary Stoltman G2G Crew (450 points)
recategorized by Keith Hathaway

2 Answers

+7 votes

The immediate predecessor of the Electorate of Hannover was the Duchy of Lüneburg. However, it was divided and re-divided numerous times and careful  research would be necessary to determine whether any specific locality was included within it at a given date.

See: http://www.gwleibniz.com/brunswick/brunswick.html

by Patrick Barnum G2G6 Mach 5 (58.7k points)
+7 votes
Before 1235 Herzogtum Sachsen,

1235 - 1437  Herzogtum Braunschweig-Lüneburg,

1437 - 1692 Fürstentum Calenberg,

1692 - 1806 Kurfürstentum Braunschweig-Lüneburg (official name, Kurfürstentum Hannover was a colloquial name among others),

All constituent states of Heiliges Römisches Reich.

There were very frequent splits and accessions of other territories, so that a precise location is needed to get the territory right.
by Helmut Jungschaffer G2G6 Pilot (622k points)
Thank you Helmut. My specific area is Gesmold, about 10 miles SE of Osnabruek. I haven't been able to pin down. I see Electorate of Hannover from 1692-1708. Can't figure out 1640-1692. Would it be acceptable to just list Gesmold, Hannover?
I suggest going to wikipedia.org and entering the name of the locality, and reading the "History" section, to get the most precise answer.

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