Any guidance on finding the "ghost" in your tree? Josinah Crabtree Dew- enigma of the Dew Lineage

+7 votes

I know she exists because I have images of her gravestone but have not been able to connect with anyone who has found documentation of her nor have I found my own documentation. Stories suggest she was married (legal or otherwise) in Allegheny, Maryland around the revolutionary war then relocated with her husband to the Ohio Territory. 

in Genealogy Help by Melissa Daniel G2G2 (2.1k points)
I noticed that Fold3 has free access to the Revolutionary War documents for a short while (just in case you hadn't been there looking for her husband).
Hi Melissa,

Josinah (Crabtree-695) and Thomas (Dew-188) are in my indirect lineage and I have created profiles for each of them (so do we have profiles that need merged?) I have some sources listed but other than the Find A Grave tombstone photos they don't list the sources they used to establish their facts.

 - Dave
No, I link to your profiles. I am just interested to see if anyone has ever come across any other documentation on her beyond the grave stone image. Most people I have communicated with don't have anything else either. It would be nice to find a census record or something that connects her to parents!


Thanks Dave
Have you found any wills or probate files for her husband or her children? She could be mentioned there.

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