I have found a match but he has a different wife

+9 votes
I have tried to enter a profile and have found a match. However he is shown with a different wife. His birth date, place of birth are correct as are death date and place. No parents are shown. I have copies of  birth, marriage  (Two)  and death certificates. The match is unsourced for both husband and wife. I don't want to make a duplicate but not being able to enter it is holding me up.

What can I do? The match is for Leslie Alfred Emile Stevens son of Ada Emma Stevens (Eade) and Alfred Hercules Emile Stevens.
in Policy and Style by Jill Persse Fenn G2G1 (1.2k points)
Hi Jill, Susan the wife listed for Leslie, died in 1924, just a few years after they were married - is it possible that your record is for his second marriage?

Or is your record for an Emily Hickey m.1922?
Leslie (Bachelor) was married to Emily Francis Hickey Feb 16 1922 Their daughter Sybil Emmeline was born April 37 1923. Susan didn't die until 1924. So thanks for the suggestion but I don't think it would be possible unless the dates for Susan are wrong but thanks anyway.
I saw the marrige record for Emily also, along with several other records for marriages of Leslie Stevens. Looks like a popular name and easily confused. Since the proile for Susan is valid and her marraige to a Leslie Stevens is real and documented, IMO it would be best to create a new profile for your ancestor and set them as a rejected match along with a note to the PM to research/source the birth/death  dates for her Leslie Stevens.
Thanks again. I have copies of birth certificates and the marriage certificates and death certificates so I am certain that these are correct. His mother was my great aunt whom I had met. Whereas Leslie Stevens is a common name his second names and that of his father's are not. It looks as if when looking for a husband for Susan one has been picked with the right dates and place of marriage but nothing else. I have sent a message but have had no reply.

4 Answers

+4 votes
Since you have so much documentation to back it up, I would just remove the unsourced info and replace it with the sourced info.

Then, send the creator of the unsourced info a message to ask them to add sources.
by Jon Bringhurst G2G Crew (310 points)
Thank you for your reply. I have sent a message to the profile manager  b.ut have had no reply
+4 votes
I'd be tempted to make a note of the profile and its data and ignore for now. Put investigating it on your urgent to-do list where you contact the profile manager and discuss what's happening.
by Rosemary Jones G2G6 Pilot (271k points)
Thank you for your reply. I have sent a message to the profile manager but have had no repy.
+5 votes

Hi Jill,

Please don't make a duplicate!  Please take advantage of the Help Index in the upper-right, and also the Style Guide.  My best suggestion for new members is to read, read, and then read some more.  You are off to a good start by asking here. 

Might also want to check out (and consider signing) our Honor Code

Is the profile in question Stevens-8028?  (in future, you can link the profile when you write your question- or you could even link it now)

You can try to contact the profile manager, but she has not been active since May 2015 (by checking her contributions).   Sometimes people who are not very involved will respond to a Trusted List request, if nothing else.

If you don't get a response, you can go through the process for unresponsive profile manager, and have the profile "orphaned"

When you have a good source for the identity of Leslie's parents, then you can connect them, (but please do this only on the basis of something reliable, such as a primary source).  This page is great on sources, Jillaine's Dream Source Help Page - especially the part titled "What is a Source?" with the link to "Evidence Explained."  (for instance, "GRO" might not be enough information for folks outside of the UK)

WikiTree is a different animal.  As a collaborative process, the pace can seem slow ... but it is for a reason.  The correct changes do happen - not quickly - but they do happen.

For now, as others have agreed, you can add what citations you have to the profile, and continue to look for more good sources.



by Cynthia B G2G6 Pilot (143k points)
+3 votes
Tricky one.  Is the profile supposed to be your Leslie or the other one?

Bad merges often happen as a result of one person being given another person's details.

There was another thread recently about the need for a defining fact.  In this case, I'd say it's "Susan's husband".  The PM intends the profile to be her Leslie, whoever he was, she's not interested in yours.
by Living Horace G2G6 Pilot (657k points)

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