England Project members. Would you like to sponsor a County ?

+26 votes
Would you like to be more actively involved with the England Project ?  If so we are inviting project members to sponsor (or co-sponsor ) each of the English Counties.   Sponsoring will involve managing the County category and being point of contact for your County.    You might also want to create a free space sub project for your County.   If you are interested please post below or send me a private message.   As usual open to ideas on this !   If you have not yet joined the England project we would be happy to welcome you.  Thanks Maria

in Requests for Project Volunteers by Maria Maxwell G2G6 Pilot (205k points)
edited by Maria Maxwell
Great idea, Maria. Thanks for being a great England Project Leader :-)
Just thanks to all these wonderful volunteers.
I would be happy to take on Leicestershire then later on Warwickshire if no one else picks it up. I live right on the border so either one is very familiar to me.
Thanks very much Iain and a very warm welcome to the UK and England projects.
thank you!
Hi again folks.   Volunteers are coming in fast now.    Thanks to everyone.    We are now in a situation where two of more project members want to be involved in the same county - a great "problem " to have.   I originally suggested co-sponsors but would it be better if I show the first volunteer for a county as sponsor.   Then anyone else who would like to be involved with that county as "also happy to help."

You will then be able to see on each County page everyone who wants to be involved and each County "group" will be able to liaise with each other.  How does this sound ?
excellent idea!
Great idea, thank for the message about it!!
I live in Ventnor Isle of Wight and happy to give help here
Hi Karen,  sorry for delay !!   Thanks - I'll add your good self as happy to help with the Isle of Wight.
Hi, Maria! I would love to sponsor Bedfordshire. I am a member of the BFHS. Thanks, Sharen

Okay, I didn't see but looks like Beds is sponsored. How about Kent?
Hi Sharen,  When we have more than one WikiTreer willing to sponsor a County I normally add the second as  "happy to help."    Both Bedfordshire and Kent have sponsors.   See https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:List_of_County_Sponsors_and_Coordinators  Let me know what you want to do.

17 Answers

+13 votes
Best answer
We all have our own areas of expertise and if one person cannot help then others may know the answer. This also helps if the sponsor is away.
by Hilary Gadsby G2G6 Pilot (354k points)
selected by Iain Cooke
+21 votes
Yes, quite happy to take on my adopted county of Yorkshire, all Ridings Maria!
by Living Woodhouse G2G6 Pilot (301k points)
Thanks Ron,  much appreciated.  Maria
If you ever need any extra help with Yorkshire I'd be willing to help, not that you'll need it Ron : ).
Hi Ron

Having just joined wikitree, and with family from East and west Yorkshire,  it's good to find there will be a leader for Yorkshire.

Thanks for volunteering.

Thank you, here to help, if I can.
Much appreciated. Thank you.
+16 votes
I have a great deal of experience in England,Wales ,and Scotland,Ireland

is iffy,so many records have been destroyed.Would help you with an

unanswered question you may have.On any of the places.I am very busy

but will try and help.

Wayne R, Morgan  5487  Wiki Tree.
by Wayne Morgan G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
Thanks Wayne.   Maria
+14 votes
Would be happy to take on Dorset,  I know the county quite well and often stay there .  It's also where my OH's ancestors  comes from and  become familiar with accessing records online records and some of the local history.

Most of my own family is from  Northamptonshire and if there aren't enough volunteers then I'd be willing to add that one (but my knowledge there is really specific to one town and a few villages rather than the county as a whole)
by Helen Ford G2G6 Pilot (510k points)
Thanks Helen,   You are a star.  Maria
Hi I would be happy to take on Derbyshire
A special thank you to Kirsty who has joined the UK/England Project today.   Derbyshire is already sponsored by Chris Hampson.   I'll add your name as "also happy to help" on the County page.   Hope this is OK.
+14 votes
I'm happy to volunteer for Cornwall
by D G Laity Lombardi G2G5 (5.1k points)
Thanks D and welcome to the England Project !!  Have fun.
+14 votes
I've got significant family tree in Hants/West Sussex, Norfolk, and Derby, plus some in Lincs. Happy to help in any/all.
by Living Hampson G2G6 Pilot (117k points)
Thanks Chis - this is great.
+14 votes
Happy to take on Devon.  Many of my own ancestors came from there, and I have strong ties with it, having stayed there many a time.
by Ros Haywood G2G Astronaut (2.3m points)
Thanks Ros,  much appreciated.
+13 votes

I live in Dorset and have four One-Place Studies there but see Helen Ford has already volunteered to take it on. Happy to take on neighbouring county of Wiltshire as know all of the parishes there through my contact with the Wiltshire OPC project which has registered all its parishes as one-place studies see http://wiltshire.oneplacestudy.org

by Martin White G2G6 Pilot (152k points)
Hi Martin,  Good to meet you and welcome to the UK/England Project.   I'll sort out the badge etc for you.  Wiltshire is all yours.   Thanks for including this link.
+11 votes
Great idea! I'd be happy to take on Lancashire. Would love a cosponsor if anyone else wants to volunteer as well.
by Concetta Phillipps G2G6 Mach 1 (11.9k points)
Thanks Concetta - have fun.
Great! Do you have any pointers on how to do the creation of the category? I'm happy to help and excited to learn how to do more here at Wikitree!
Hi sorry for delay - I've had internet access problems today.   Good news Is someone else has contacted me re Lancashire.  So it looks like you have your co-sponsor.    Here's a link to Category:Lancashire.  http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Category:Lancashire to let you see what we already have.   I'll send you a PM tomorrow re taking this forward,
I would also be happy to help with this project.  My family, the Appleton's, comes from Warrington in Lancashire.
Hi Ernesta,  Good to meet you and welcome to the England Project (Part of UK Project).  I'll add you as "happy to help" for Lancashire.
+10 votes
My main arears of research have been Lincolnshire, Leicestershire and Rutland, Norfolk and down south in Dorset, Wiltshire and my home county of Hampshire (New Forest and Southampton area in particular) happy to help with queries in any of these counties.

My ONS is mainly based in Lincolnshire.

by Hilary Gadsby G2G6 Pilot (354k points)
Hilary you are a star.   See my new comment above re "happy to help."  Just realised this would also cover situations where someone does not want to be the sponsor but is happy to assist with queries.  Thanks for this.
+11 votes
I see Ros has already nabbed Devon. I've lived in Plymouth for most of my life so I'm happy to assist with Devon, and also if needed Cornwall.
by Katrina Turner G2G1 (1.5k points)
Thanks Katrina.   See my new comment above re "also happy to help."
+10 votes
I'd be happy to take on Bedfordshire.
by Anonymous Mills G2G6 Mach 1 (13.1k points)
Thanks Stella,  I've added your good self as sponsor for the Bedfordshire page.http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Category:Bedfordshire
Thank you Maria.  Can you explain a bit more what is involved? Many thanks.  Stella Jones
Quite a bit of work has already been done on Bedfordshire - creating place categories and adding genealogy resource links so you won't need to do much on that front hopefully.

I see the role of sponsor as generally keeping an eye on things - maintaining categories  (are profiles linked to the right category) -assisting if someone needs a new one created or tries to create a wrong or duplicate category !!  Also using your local knowledge to add perhaps genealogy links and research information for the County.   Answering questions or posting them here for the other members to assist.   If you feel there is too much text you might want to create a free space page for the County and link it to your County category page.   These are just my thoughts.   As others chip in I'll add "guidance" notes to the England project page where I've already put a link to this discussion.
Ok thanks. How do I link profiles to the places? I noticed for example that I am not on it yet I am a Mills from and in Bedfordshire.


+10 votes
I thought I'd wait a while and not rush into this, but I'm happy to pick up Staffordshire (my birth county) and/or Berkshire (where I've lived for most of my life) if nobody else wants to.

by John Elkin G2G6 Pilot (103k points)
Thanks John,   I've added you as sponsor for Staffordshire and happy to help with Berkshire.
+8 votes
Has there been any list published for the county coordinators? I have created some pre-1700 Worcestershire profiles and would like to contact the Worcestershire coordinator to discuss.
by Andrew Turvey G2G6 Mach 4 (46.8k points)
Hi Andrew,   There's no list as yet but if the County has a sponsor /co-ordinator their name is shown at the top of the County page.    Worcestershire does not have a sponsor at the moment.  Is there anyone who can assist  Andrew ?   Also anyone like to sponsor Worcestershire !!
Happy to create a freespace page list of the county coordinators if you would like.
Hi Ros - just seen your kind offer.   Yes please.   Can you link it to the main England page where I have put this G2G question etc.   Thanks, much appreciated.
Made a start on it already and will probably get it finished for the end of the week (22nd July 16), earlier if poss.  Otherwise, got to go to work (in a nice air-conditioned office, how dreadful LOL)
Thanks Ros.
More or less finished the list, a few tweaks and then I'll PM you to let you know.  Surprised to find so many vacancies - and, with some prior knowledge that there is one for Somerset, I'll be happy to take that one on as well (I live in Somerset and have done for the past 50 years, so I might be useful!).
Great on both counts.   I've added your name as the sponsor for Somerset.    Spent a few a lovely holidays in Burham-on-Sea /Weston-super- Mare.
+9 votes

I would be willing to do what I can to help with the county of Worcestershire, especially the area of Pershore. 


by Rianne Thomson G2G1 (1.1k points)
Thanks for this Rianne, and welcome to the United Kingdom and England Projects.   I've added your name to the Worcestershire page as it's sponsor.
+10 votes
I'm happy with Cheshire and Middlesex, Maria.

Happy to welcome any co-volunteers.
by anonymous G2G6 Pilot (294k points)
Thanks Martin - as you say all co-volunteers / happy to help most welcome.
+6 votes

Hi Maria, 

I am doing research in KENT heart everyday, so I am volunteering for Kent. 

I better make sure I have the right tags sorted. 

But yes please, count me in, for England and for Kent. 

by Pare Chase G2G6 Mach 1 (14.5k points)

Ooops I didn't see the date, talk about two years later wink

Hi Pare,    No problem  - the current England Project leaders will look after you I'm sure.

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