Looking for the correct last name at birth for Larmusiau-1 and Larmuissau-1

+6 votes
Marie Anne Josephe Larmusiau-1 and Marie Joseph Larmuissau-1 are duplicates, both married to Urbain Picou. Here is a website where some research has been done. Thanks!

[http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=katheriot&id=I38510 Marie Josephe LARMESIEUX]
WikiTree profile: Marie Anne Larmusiau
in Policy and Style by Jacqueline Girouard G2G6 Mach 7 (77.6k points)
recategorized by Chris Whitten

1 Answer

+3 votes

I'm not sure there is a "correct" one.

Marie Anne Josephe Larmusiau-- no profile manager

Jean Baptiste Larmusiau - Laura Wilkins profile manager

Marie Marguerite Larmusiau.  -Laura Wilkins profile manager

Jean-Baptiste Larmuissau - no profile manager

Marie Joseph Larmuissau - no profile manager

Thomas Larmuissau - no profile manager

There are none under the spelling of LARMESIEUX.

My thoughts are given that we have 4 people represented by these 6 profiles (meaning we have merges to do) and only two of them have a profile manager and it's the same profile manager. We should just decide to go with the spelling in the profiles managed by Laura Wilkins. This spelling also happens to coincide with the main spelling used in Archdiocese of New Orleans Vol 1 and the surname doesn't appear at all in Vol 3, 4, or 6.

by Donna Storz G2G6 Mach 2 (25.7k points)

Thank you Donna, you always do careful research and your time and opinion are valued. I agree there isn't a correct one. I would agree with what you propose for the "current" name, that is, the name she was known as after she immigrated, but I think it would be good to know how the name would be known in her place of origin if that is possible. I found some citations for a Marguerite (not the same woman, but from the same location and born about the same time.) Historian-Researcher Glenn Conrad in his genealogy section of the Abstracts of St. Charles Parish 1770-1803, p. 461, uses "Larmusieux" for Marguerite, wife of Jacques Cantrelle. Lillian C. Bourgeois in her book: "Cabanocey, The history, Customs and Folklore of St. James Parish, p. 8 calls her Marguerite Larmusiau LeCoux", but she appears later in her book on p. 173: census of 1769, as "Jacques Cantrelle, 72; Marguerite Larmusieux" w. 59. It would be good to hear from someone with expertise in Hainault/Hainaut names which is where both Marguerite and Marie-Anne were from, then we could use that spelling as a likely birth name and some other spelling as her current name. Other serious genealogists use "Lamursiau" "l'Hermusiaux" for Marguerite. My head hurts.

Edited:  I just found Marguerite Larmusieux, wife of Jacques Cantrelle managed by Morris Simon [[Larmusieux-1]].

Conrad uses Larmissiau in the genealogy section of his St John the Baptist Civil records for Marie-Josephe, wife of Urbain Picou. The very person we're speaking of.

I think the point I was trying to make is that merges are being held off on while what seems to be an arbitrary decision as to the best spelling is researched.  Given that professional genealogists differ on the best spelling just goes to show how arbitrary it is. Just like with the Acadians, spelling varied, so does the spelling in Belgium.

I looked at the spellings in Belgium, Hainaut, Civil Registrations 1600-1913 at familysearch.org from the early 1800's are transcribed as

The earliest record is a 1796 death were the name is spelled Lermusiaux.  The records all have images and are quite legible. There are a total of 14 records ranging in dates from 1796-1845 with most being in the 1800-1810 range.

So, no there wasn't one spelling in Hainaut, at least not in the turn of the next century of her life.  I wouldn't expect there to be one earlier, but if more research is desired (and gets results) I suggest that the origins of the name can be added as part of the biography later on.

Donna, thanks for the further research. I've sent a message to Bea Wijma to see if she can shed any light. I noticed my original question was tagged with Hainaut and Belgium and I was hoping someone from there would jump in with some authority.

Hi Jaquelline, 

I tried and get the same results Donna has :) So she has done a great job couldn't do better and I'm no expert in Hainault names either so I would go by one of the names she added there or if we're lucky someone is able to find the actual record of course or even better a baptism record :) 

and just found this table of marriages at the marriage in 1770 the name was spelled Lermusiaux  and in 1735 Lermuseau  (but can't see where they got this from, so no idea what the actual sources are) :)

And of course there was not much concistency in spelling those days so the spelling of the name could variate for each event .. 

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