Are you a descendant of the Claytons of PA or Sussex England?

+8 votes
Calling all descendants of the Claytons from Pennsylvania that originated in Sussex England. Have you been DNA tested and are your results on gedmatch?

My ancestor is Sarah Clayton born in Middlesex abt 1779 but living in Cheshire England in 1841.

My 3rd cousin and I have triangulated matches with a group of people (12), I have found so far that at least 2 of them descend from the Claytons of Pennsylvania.  I am looking to do further research to see if I can connect my Sarah to the Sussex England Claytons as I suspect she may be connected to descendants back in England.

If there are any autosomal test takers that are connected to this family I would love to hear from you to compare results.
in Genealogy Help by Veronica Williams G2G6 Pilot (230k points)

1 Answer

+5 votes

I descend from twin Elisha Clayton, son of David C. Clayton and Sarah Carter of Freehold, Monmouth Co., NJ, son of William Clayton IV and Mary Marten. William Clayton IV was the son of William Clayton III and Elizabeth Bezer. He was the son of William Clayton, Jr. and Prudence Lankford. My GEDmatch number is T709468.

Kathryn Schultz

by Kathryn Schultz G2G1 (1.1k points)
Thanks Kathryn for replying.  I found a very small match of 3.7cMS on C09 but it might be nothing.  It is on my paternal side but I suspect it might actually be a segment coming from my COAT line from Somerset England, not the Claytons, but I could be wrong about that.  I'll be in touch if I find out anything more!
William Clayton from Chichester was born about 1632 and emigrated 1670s.  Too far back to get anything significant from autosomal DNA.
I understand that limitation and was really more interested in making connections with descendants closer to our time, such as Euphemia Clayton Snodgrass, Elisha Clayton, and David Clayton.

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