Are there cast lists for movies in WikiTree

+9 votes
My wife and I are going to the dollar theatre this afternoon to see the new Star Wars movie a second time.  Which makes me wonder if anyone has tried to to make lists of the cast / crew of movies linking them to profile IDs?  Having such lists might be a big draw for having people come here and maybe being involved.
in The Tree House by Living Dardinger G2G6 Pilot (452k points)
retagged by Scott Fulkerson
I'm of the opinion that movie casts can be found easily enough on the internet, we don't need to duplicate that sort of thing. We're a genealogy site not a fan site or a movie site.
I'm not talking about assembling casts.  I'm talking about taking cast lists (which, after all are invariably found on a movie's DVD) and linking them to WikiTree profiles.  Of course it would work best for older movies as more of the actors would have passed on by now.

4 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer
When I work on Notables who have movie credits, I use as a source link. It's pretty exhaustive on credits, including awards & nominations. For music, has similar comprehensive listings. I agree with others that there's no need to duplicate, but it's helpful to know the resource is there. The links on the bottom of a Notables' wiki page can be helpful on other sources, like for Lifetime Achievement or Hall of Fame or Best-of Lists or Obituaries &c.
by Living Winter G2G6 Mach 8 (81.4k points)
selected by Liz Shifflett

as Google describes

IMDb, the world's most popular and authoritative source for movie, TV and celebrity content.

I think it would be cool to have the ancestry of cast(s) in WikiTree - I'm really excited by Ron's recent G2G post about one of my favorite movies - - but cast lists themselves? why recreate what imdb already has?

Cheers, Liz

+8 votes
Hi Dave, You could make free-space pages for movies and list the profiles for actors and others that worked on the film. would be a good resource for this info.
by Sandi Wiggins G2G6 Mach 7 (72.7k points)
Well, I could if I didn't have so many other things going here.  I'm a bit embarrassed that while I have lots of g2g points, My contributions are rather puny.  But I'm slowing down rather than speeding up since I am putting more effort into looking for sources and checking things out before I do them.
David do not feel embarrassed by the way you are doing things on here, that is called good genealogy. We need more like you.I have not made 1000 contributions in many months and the only reason I am going to get there this month is I started on my son in laws line and adopted a lot of profiles for his lines that have not been worked on since 2011.
+12 votes
I have done a couple of Free Space pages for some of these. There is one for Star Trek:

One that I started (and haven't gone back to in awhile) for Superhero Actors:

And a related one for Academy Award Winners:

You can also do category searches if you like - some categories can help you locate those who have been in certain movies.

And while this sort of information is not strictly "genealogical", it is a related in many ways to the Notables project and an interesting way to attract people to certain profiles to keep them updated and increase collaboration.
by Scott Fulkerson G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
+5 votes

I have made a couple. One specifically for Star Wars profiles. I also asked a question in regards to Star Wars profiles and getting them connected to the tree.


May the Force be with you!

by Ron Norman G2G6 Mach 4 (48.0k points)
Yep. :)

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