I saw the question you posted,,,,,are you interested in Jewish Geneology
Yes I am,,,,,my husband was a Stern and his grandmother Rose or Rivka was born in Ostroweic Poland,,,his grandfather was Getzl Stern.
I have left the Jewish side of the family alone after a few futile attempts,,,,but it has been in my mind that this family genealogy will be really lopsided if the Jewish heritage is ignored
I found it a bit sad to see the difference re tracking my gentile family vs the Jewish part.
I am a Newg,,,,been on Wikitree less than a month so I can only offer you my desire and gratitude,,,,,expert help will come from somebody else
I was so grateful to come across your post,,,,it was only 3 minutes old ,,,feel like it was meant to be
Maggie Stern McJannet
p.s.,,,I could not find a place to comment when I read your post so it seems that this is a separate post,,,sorry ,,,still getting lost in this wonderful Wikitree rainforest