Am I interested in Jewish Geneology

+9 votes
I saw the question you posted,,,,,are you interested in Jewish Geneology

Yes I am,,,,,my husband was a Stern  and his grandmother Rose or Rivka was born in Ostroweic Poland,,,his grandfather was Getzl Stern.

I have left the Jewish side of the family alone after a few futile attempts,,,,but it has been in my mind that this family genealogy will be really lopsided if the Jewish heritage is ignored

I found it a bit sad to see the difference re tracking my gentile family vs the Jewish part.

I am a Newg,,,,been on Wikitree less than a month so I can only offer you my desire and gratitude,,,,,expert help will come from somebody else

I was so grateful to come across your post,,,,it was only 3 minutes old ,,,feel like it was meant to be

Maggie Stern McJannet

p.s.,,,I could not find a place to comment when I read your post so it seems that this is a separate post,,,sorry ,,,still getting lost in this wonderful Wikitree rainforest
in The Tree House by Maggie Stern-McJannet G2G6 (7.8k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith
So, Maggie, it's 2 years later and I've found your note above. I hope you've found and joined the Jewish Roots Project by now. Lots of G2G posts about it. The Projects pages give you lots and lots of help. If you Join, then you'll get notifications of whatever's going on in G2G.  --Welcome!

1 Answer

+5 votes
Best answer

There is a project called Holocaust here at Wikitree:

The mission of the Holocaust Project is to
reinforce the remembrance of the victims
of the Holocaust which stands amongst
the most atrocious events of savagery
in the history of the human race.

In the project documentation there is a section resources that you may find of use (it was to me, member of the project).

Of special interest to you would be  Stern & Lobl Families Database

by Living Terink G2G6 Pilot (306k points)
selected by Maggie N.
Thnkyou so much for the links,,,I'll go there now
You know, I can barely even think of the idea of investigating something so dire as the Holocaust. I have one book that describes as best as a non-writer can the experiences of her immediate families and her extended cousins' families. Yes, I read most of it. Simply full of pain. (Blessings to Maggie McJannet.)

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