UK naming conventions

+11 votes

WikiTreer Debra Downs let me know about this webpage:  This is an excellent article about naming conventions in the UK.  In short, 

  • the first male child was named after his father's father.
  • the second male child was named after his mother's father.
  • the third male child was named after his own father.
  • any subsequent male children could be named whatever the parents wished, but usually were named for a favorite brother or uncle of the father.

A similar pattern applied for female children. That is:

  • the first female child was named after her maternal grandmother.
  • the second female child was named after her paternal grandmother.
  • the third female child was named after her own mother.
  • subsequent female children could be named whatever the parents chose, but usually were named after other females in the mother's family.

So given this arrangement, I should be looking for a father of my Earliest Known Ancestor with the name William.  HHmmm.  Back to the books. . . 

WikiTree profile: Christopher Smith
in The Tree House by Kitty Smith G2G6 Pilot (670k points)
That pattern sounds like the traditional Irish pattern, although even then it may not have always been used, I 'd be weary of using it for England, wher I don't think a strict order was ever used, or at least I have yet to come across it.

1 Answer

+5 votes
Conveniently too sometimes the mother's or grandmother's  maiden name was given as a middle name.
by Maria Maxwell G2G6 Pilot (197k points)

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