Why can I not upload a profile picture although it conforms with the guide lines?

+8 votes
i tried today to upload my first profile picture to my tree, without success. It seems to be well within the size limits and uploads without problems on similar sites. I have tried several times as both jpeg and pdf. Any ideas please?

Thanks, Joan
WikiTree profile: Cyril Greenleaf
in WikiTree Tech by Joan Greenleaf G2G2 (2.0k points)
retagged by Keith Hathaway
Could you please edit you post to include the profile ID?
It is Cyril Staines Greenleaf on my tree. I can't see any other profile ID.

This is Greenleaf-678 The Id of a profile occurs in the orange bar a little ways down at the left side of the bar.

Check list.

  1. You entered a file/picture by clicking the browse button.
  2. You entered a source
  3. You clicked the button at the bottom that says upload

After you've done that if it's not working, read the remarks at the top of page to see what it says.

Thanks - I am still struggling a bit at the moment! Joam
Thanks - I will have another go tomorrow. Joan
I can still see no sign of the profile ID. Nothing at all down the left side. It may be  because, being a bit disabled, I use an Ipad most of the tim. I have to struggle with the other computer to upload things because I don't know how otherwise. Ah well - tomorrow is another day. :-)
Hang in there! Profile IDs are in this form Wiggins-127. (That's mine.) Yours is Greenleaf-677.

At the top each profile there is a menu bar. The profile ID is there, as well as right below the dear date.

The profile we are discussing is Greenleaf-678.
Thanks Sandi - I will try to upload again tomorrow.

Hurrah! Thanks everybody, I managed it this morning and Greenleaf-678 now has a face. :-)

A most excellent face he has and a very nice uniform. Nice going.
Excellent! Now you can teach other people how to do it! :-)
Thanks!  But not an easy site to navigate. I was given the excellent advice, when I joined, to thank and give votes but now dn't see the tabs! I wold if I could!  Hope it gets easier. :-)
The votes are the little arrows in the green box. But nobody actually answered. I'm going to add an answer, so you can see.

1 Answer

+3 votes
Best answer
Joan, hang in there the site gets easier to navigate, and you can always ask questions here and someone will answer.
by Anne B G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
selected by Sandi Wiggins
Thanks Anne but the difference between an answer and a comment defeats me at the moment. Seems to me you two answered my question very well. Slow thinker, I expect that I wil get there in the eñd. :–)
And so you shall!
Thanks Sandi, so where it that tab to say thank you and help make this the friendliest site that I saw a few times at the beginning?
Thank you's from here: G2G, click on someones name, (this takes you to their G2G page), Then click on "## contributions, (this takes you to a page with a list of "So and So did something to Wikitree-ID, find where it says they answered a question. You can do this for other things, like if someone contributes to a profile you manage.

From here, I usually just say thank you, publicly, like you did.

Thank you for asking the question Joan. I'm always happy to help.
Thank you!

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