English and non english Category

+9 votes
Notice to all, I am being bold, English and non English Categories that are the same (Germany/Deutschland) need  to be closely linked together, otherwise they serve no purpose.  They need to be mirrored together.  As I run across them I will make the links as I see fit, feel free to go behind me and do any translations that need to be made.

The purpose of country categories shall be to encourage collaboration between potential relatives of every nation, if they are working on there page (German language) and I am working on my page (English language) there is no collaboration.

The category pages are a great feature of this site, but there needs to be a bold (but polite) high level management of them, this seems to be lacking.

I just discovered the link below, while trying to create a (I thought) missing Baden category, but it was there on the "Deutschland" page.

I have added the links to make sure they are visible from the English side, for all the first "B" categories under [[Category: Deutschland]][[Category: German Projects]].

Yes this was designed to get folks attention, I would suggest an open forum discussion of this topic for no more than two weeks before issuing instructions for all all users to start implementation.

Yours truly

just a cranky old white male.

in Policy and Style by Living Zimmerman G2G6 Mach 1 (16.8k points)
retagged by Keith Hathaway
Hi Doug, you may want to use the tag categorization so it will come to the project's attention. I know there is already a coordination effort going on, for example, see http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Category:Baden

Could you provide a link to the work you referenced in your question?
Wow that is another entirely different set of "Category: Baden-Württemberg, Germany" category, than what I was working with, looks like there are at least three.




The categorization project will probably help you sort it if you add the tag.

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