Who is connected to the most ancestors on wikitree?

+17 votes
OK, this one is for bragging rights. Kathleen Heath pointed out to me that the Family List feature under My Wikitree can show the number of ancestors you are connected to in wikitree within 15 generations. Thanks to my dad's ancestors virtually all being traceable back to pre-1700 and the work done by thousands of wikitreers, I've got 2,961 ancestors within 15 generations without counting siblings. Can anyone top that?
in The Tree House by Chase Ashley G2G6 Pilot (326k points)
edited by Chase Ashley
2020-Feb - 2803

Lost another 57 since November. At this rate, in 7 years my tree will be just me and my parents!

Luckily, this is not a linear phenomenon, Chase. smiley

My count is down slightly, to 3541 in 15 generations...

I noticed that other folks had been busy getting rid of some false ancestors for me. smiley

I am down to 3496 in 15 generations (but my 10-generation count is holding steady at 966).

Down another 74 in the past 6 months:

2016-Apr - 2961

2017-Jun - 3133

2018-Feb - 3195

2018-Oct - 2986

2019-Mar - 2910

2019-Nov - 2860

2020-Feb - 2803

2020-Aug - 2729

I cut off a bunch by using Ancestor Listmaker to find my (and going back further, my grandparents') connections to English and Scottish royalty and then using the ancestral lines feature to see how I was descended from them. The ones that did not go through a known gateway ancestor almost always had an implausible and unsupported link, which I researched and corrected - eg the Boone family's fanciful connection to the poet John Milton's family.

Interestingly, I am now up from 749 in 10 generations (where I had been stuck forever) to 774.

I hadn't checked for a while. As of today I am down to 2472 for 15 generations, which is a reduction of almost 10% from where I was in August 2020 (and down over 22% from its peak in February 2018). Down from 774 to 771 for 10 generations. As before, I consider the reduction in number of ancestors in generations 11-15 probably a good sign and means that a lot of the fanciful stuff in my earlier generations has been disconnected. Probably still a lot of junk there, though.
Meanwhile, I seem to have accruing new ancestors at the 10-generation level, but losing some at earlier levels. I'm at 3301 for 15 generations and 993 for 10 generations.
I think those are both good trends, Ellen. Within 10 generations are more likely to be valid and documentable.

I don't feel so good about the 10-generation additions, Chase. I've figured out who some of the more recent additions are, and I am finding some dubious-looking genealogy. sad (Along with some additions that look like they are probably good.)

Still at 771 for 10 generations, but down to 2404 for 15.
My numbers are growing. I fear that I have some distant cousins who have been eagerly embracing and republishing names and questionable bios they found in random secondary (not to mention tertiary and quaternary sources). I'm now past 1000 for 10 generations, at 1024, and up to 3359 for 15.

7 Answers

+12 votes
I think I have a lot of work to do . Only 260.....
by Shirley Dalton G2G6 Pilot (543k points)
+10 votes
Well, I only have 126 at present on WikiTree, but checking my mom's tree I have 386 ancestors and perhaps there are a few more on my dad's tree I don't have duplicated on my moms and I don't know how many more which Wikitree has but I don't have.
by Living Dardinger G2G6 Pilot (453k points)
+11 votes
Yikes!  Only 373 without siblings.  Kind of wish I never saw that.

Interesting that my daughter is only 410.  I guess I need to work on my husband's twig too.
by Kitty Smith G2G6 Pilot (670k points)
Yeah, I need to work on my wife's tree. My children actually have about 500 fewer in their trees than I have in mine. I think because (i) my wife only has about 32 in her tree and (ii) having one fewer generation from my tree, back 15 generations ago, is losing a lot of people.
+9 votes
1370 here. Mags
by Mags Gaulden G2G6 Pilot (663k points)
Mags - that's with siblings I think.
+8 votes
5587 - Kathleen
by Kathleen Heath G2G6 Mach 2 (22.5k points)
Kathleen - Thanks for tipping off to the feature. Is the 5587 from your 15 generations of ancestor without siblings from Family List? When I run it from your public profile, it says 274.
I ran the Relationship Tool from the Find drop down menu.  I ran the calculation using you Ashley-1950.  The last number I saw before it switched to your name was 5587.

BTW we seem to be 12th cousins twice removed and descended from John Baker, 1488-1558 - Baker-148
When I answered this yesterday, I apparently confused the 2 posted questions

Family List - ancestors & descendants without siblings = 92

Family List - ancestors & descendants with siblings = 230

Relationship Tool - 5587

(Late afternoon is not my thing)
+11 votes
Who could resist the chance to compare with everyone--

my ancestors & descendants with siblings=1497

I'm tired just thinking about entering all of them on wikitree.  Time for a nap.
by Connie Graves G2G6 Mach 6 (60.7k points)
+8 votes
552 - within 15 generations and with no siblings - Seems I have more work to do.
by Scott Fulkerson G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
You're up to 1143 now.

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201 views asked Aug 30, 2023 in WikiTree Tech by Ellen Smith G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)

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