Make a field disappear when its purpose has been accomplished. [closed]

+1 vote

I just sent a question.  I think it was sent, but I was back on the same scrren so I could not be sure.  This hgappens also when I edit.  It appears that I have submitted the change but nothing tells me so, it seems to look just the same, so I usually resubmit.  Lots of users like me are old and probably do not see small things as well as we used to.  That's why I just used 14 point type.

closed with the note: Reclosing after editing out the profile
in Genealogy Help by Theodore Palmer G2G6 Mach 1 (13.3k points)
closed by Eowyn Langholf
Not sure what your problem seems to be, could you elaborate, explain were you are and what the problem is?
If you are trying to send a private message and it looks like it is not going through? Down toward the bottom by the submit button there is a little box, you must enter the first 3 letters of the alphabet "ABC" then click submit.
When you edit a profile, click save. The screen will refresh and on the top you will see in a yellow bar "Changes Saved" unless there was a problem, ie did not complete a required name field.

1 Answer

+1 vote
Closed as this was asked a year and a half ago.
by Eowyn Langholf G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)

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