Anyone researching MINTER surname from Essex Co. Virginia?

+3 votes
in Genealogy Help by Larry Minter G2G Rookie (220 points)

2 Answers

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Are you looking for a specific city in Essex County, VA? Do you have any first names to call out?

Joseph Minter
United States Census, 1860
birth:    1795    Virginia
residence:    1860    Essex, Virginia, United States    
other:    Joseph Minter, Wm H Minter        

Wm H Minter
United States Census, 1860
birth:    1844    Virginia
residence:    1860    Essex, Virginia, United States    
other:    Joseph Minter        

Joseph Minter
United States Census, 1860
birth:    1847    Virginia
residence:    1860    Essex, Virginia, United States    
other:    Joseph Minter, Wm H Minter        

R O Minter
United States Census, 1860
birth:    1855    [Blank]
residence:    1860    Essex, Virginia, United States    
other:    Jno Winter, M A Martin, W S Winter, Elizabeth Winter        

Catharine Minter
United States Census, 1860
birth:    1797    [Blank]
residence:    1860    Essex, Virginia, United States    
other:    Margaret C Lind, William Lind, Thos B Acre, Jno T Boughan        

Cleveland F Minter
United States Census, 1940
birth:    1885    Virginia
residence:    1940    Central Magisterial District, Essex, Virginia, United States    
spouse:    Nettie P Minter
children:    Pearl B Minter, Virginia Minter, Cleveland F Minter        

Nettie P Minter
United States Census, 1940
birth:    1899    Virginia
residence:    1940    Central Magisterial District, Essex, Virginia, United States    
spouse:    Cleveland F Minter
children:    Pearl B Minter, Virginia Minter, Cleveland F Minter        

Pearl B Minter
United States Census, 1940
birth:    1922    Virginia
residence:    1940    Central Magisterial District, Essex, Virginia, United States    
father:    Cleveland F Minter
mother:    Nettie P Minter
other:    Virginia Minter, Cleveland F Minter        

Virginia Minter
United States Census, 1940
birth:    1926    Virginia
residence:    1940    Central Magisterial District, Essex, Virginia, United States    
father:    Cleveland F Minter
mother:    Nettie P Minter
other:    Pearl B Minter, Cleveland F Minter        

Cleveland F Minter
United States Census, 1940
birth:    1936    Virginia
residence:    1940    Central Magisterial District, Essex, Virginia, United States    
father:    Cleveland F Minter
mother:    Nettie P Minter
other:    Pearl B Minter, Virginia Minter        

Elsie Minter
United States Census, 1940
birth:    1926    Virginia
residence:    1940    Tappahannock, Central Magisterial District, Essex, Virginia, United States    
other:    E B Rille, Mary T Rille, Mary L Rille        

James Minter
United States Census, 1940
birth:    1880    Virginia
residence:    1940    Rappahannock Magisterial District, Essex, Virginia, United States    
spouse:    Hallie Winter
child:    Evelyn Winter        

Lizzy Minter
United States Census, 1940
birth:    1885    Virginia
residence:    1940    Rappahannock Magisterial District, Essex, Virginia, United States    
other:    Spot B Jeffries, Inez Jeffries        

James R Minter
United States Census, 1930
birth:    1881    Virginia
residence:    1930    Rappahannock, Essex, Virginia, United States    
spouse:    Hallie Minter
children:    Ernie Minter, Evelyn Minter        

Hallie Minter
United States Census, 1930
birth:    1886    Virginia
residence:    1930    Rappahannock, Essex, Virginia, United States    
spouse:    James R Minter
children:    Ernie Minter, Evelyn Minter        

Ernie Minter
United States Census, 1930
birth:    1918    Virginia
residence:    1930    Rappahannock, Essex, Virginia, United States    
father:    James R Minter
mother:    Hallie Minter
other:    Evelyn Minter        

Evelyn Minter
United States Census, 1930
birth:    1924    Virginia
residence:    1930    Rappahannock, Essex, Virginia, United States    
father:    James R Minter
mother:    Hallie Minter
other:    Ernie Minter        

Eliza Minter
United States Census, 1930
birth:    1889    Virginia
residence:    1930    Rappahannock, Essex, Virginia, United States    
mother:    Kate Jeffries
other:    Spott J Jeffries, Byrd Jeffries, Robert Jeffries, Inez Jeffries        

Grover C Minter
United States Census, 1930
birth:    1890    Virginia
residence:    1930    Central, Essex, Virginia, United States    
spouse:    Nettie P Minter
children:    Louise Minter, Pearl B Minter, Virginia G Minter        

Nettie P Minter
United States Census, 1930
birth:    1902    Virginia
residence:    1930    Central, Essex, Virginia, United States    
spouse:    Grover C Minter
children:    Louise Minter, Pearl B Minter, Virginia G Minter
by Frank Gill G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
Louise Minter
United States Census, 1930
birth:    1919    Virginia
residence:    1930    Central, Essex, Virginia, United States    
father:    Grover C Minter
mother:    Nettie P Minter
other:    Virginia G Minter, Pearl B Minter        

Pearl B Minter
United States Census, 1930
birth:    1922    Virginia
residence:    1930    Central, Essex, Virginia, United States    
father:    Grover C Minter
mother:    Nettie P Minter
other:    Virginia G Minter, Louise Minter        

Virginia G Minter
United States Census, 1930
birth:    1925    Virginia
residence:    1930    Central, Essex, Virginia, United States    
father:    Grover C Minter
mother:    Nettie P Minter
other:    Pearl B Minter, Louise Minter        

Lizzie Minter
United States Census, 1920
birth:    1885    Virginia
residence:    1920    Rappahannock, Essex, Virginia, United States    
other:    Brookin L Jeffress, William E Jeffress, Claude W Jeffress, Kate J Jeffress        

Jas R Minter
United States Census, 1920
birth:    1882    Virginia
residence:    1920    Rappahannock, Essex, Virginia, United States    
spouse:    Hallie Minter
children:    Robert Minter, Ernie Minter        

Hallie Minter
United States Census, 1920
birth:    1888    Virginia
residence:    1920    Rappahannock, Essex, Virginia, United States    
spouse:    Jas R Minter
children:    Robert Minter, Ernie Minter        

Robert Minter
United States Census, 1920
birth:    1908    Virginia
residence:    1920    Rappahannock, Essex, Virginia, United States    
father:    Jas R Minter
mother:    Hallie Minter
other:    Ernie Minter        

Ernie Minter
United States Census, 1920
birth:    1919    Virginia
residence:    1920    Rappahannock, Essex, Virginia, United States    
father:    Jas R Minter
mother:    Hallie Minter
other:    Robert Minter        

James R Minter
United States Census, 1910
birth:    1880    Virginia
residence:    1910    Rappahannock, Essex, Virginia, United States    
spouse:    Hallie Minter
child:    James R Minter Jr.        

Hallie Minter
United States Census, 1910
birth:    1886    Virginia
residence:    1910    Rappahannock, Essex, Virginia, United States    
spouse:    James R Minter
child:    James R Minter Jr.        

James R Minter Jr.
United States Census, 1910
birth:    1907    Virginia
residence:    1910    Rappahannock, Essex, Virginia, United States    
father:    James R Minter
mother:    Hallie Minter        

Eliza J Minter
United States Census, 1910
birth:    1883    Virginia
residence:    1910    Central, Essex, Virginia, United States    
other:    Brand L Jeffers, Spot B Jeffers, Paul E Jeffers, Kate J Jeffers, Clytie W Jeffers        

Grover C Minter
United States Census, 1910
birth:    1884    Virginia
residence:    1910    Central, Essex, Virginia, United States    
other:    Charles S Derham, Mary B Derham        

Matilda Minter
United States Census, 1900
birth:    December 1819    Virginia
residence:    1900    Central District Tappahannock town, Essex, Virginia, United States    
other:    Charles Durham, May Durham, Ida B Durham, Charles Minter        

Charles Minter
United States Census, 1900
birth:    August 1884    Virginia
residence:    1900    Central District Tappahannock town, Essex, Virginia, United States    
other:    Charles Durham, May Durham, Ida B Durham, Matilda Minter        

Lawson Minter
United States Census, 1900
birth:    February 1886    Virginia
residence:    1900    Rappahannock District, Essex, Virginia, United States    
father:    Billie Madison
mother:    Sarah M Madison
other:    Lucy E Madison, Grover Madison, Johnathon Minter        

Johnathon Minter
United States Census, 1900
birth:    April 1879    Virginia
residence:    1900    Rappahannock District, Essex, Virginia, United States    
father:    Billie Madison
mother:    Sarah M Madison
other:    Lucy E Madison, Grover Madison, Lawson Minter        

Ottabee Minter
United States Census, 1900
birth:    March 1879    Virginia
residence:    1900    Rappahannock District, Essex, Virginia, United States    
spouse:    Pricilla Minter
other:    Mariah Pendleton, Doratha Pendleton, Elizabeth Pendleton, Joseph Pendleton, Dasie Pendleton, Millie Pendleton...        

Pricilla Minter
United States Census, 1900
birth:    September 1882    Virginia
residence:    1900    Rappahannock District, Essex, Virginia, United States    
mother:    Mariah Pendleton
spouse:    Ottabee Minter
other:    Doratha Pendleton, Elizabeth Pendleton, Joseph Pendleton, Dasie Pendleton, Millie Pendleton, Isaac B Pendleton        

Matilda Minter
United States Census, 1880
birth:    1820    Virginia, United States
residence:    1880    Central Magisterial District, Essex, Virginia, United States    
other:    Saml Durham, Mary B Durham
Looking for Charles Minter b.1785 in Essex Co. Married Nancy Cox Dec. 15, 1810 in Essex Co. Charles died March 02, 1830 in Essex Co.

 His father was John Minter b.Oct. 22, 1749 in Essex Co. He died Feb. 23, 1840 in Essex Co. Married Susanna ? in 1773 in Essex Co. She was born 1755 and died 1779 in Essex Co.

I am hoping to find that Charles is my 2nd Great Grandfather.

Charles Minter

mentioned in the record of John Minter and Betty Barefoot

Name Charles Minter
Gender Male
Wife Nancy Cox
Son John Minter
Name John Minter
Birth Date 1816
Birthplace Essex Co., Va.
Age 55
Spouse's Name Betty Barefoot
Spouse's Birth Date 1837
Spouse's Birthplace King And Queen Co., Va.
Spouse's Age 34
Event Date 24 Dec 1871
Event Place Essex County, Virginia
Father's Name Charles Minter
Mother's Name Nancy Cox
Spouse's Father's Name Edward Barefoot
Spouse's Mother's Name Sally Ball
Race White
Marital Status Widowed
Spouse's Race White

I am trying to tie my documented 2nd Great Grandfather Alfred Minter as a son of Charles. Alfred was living in King & Queen Co. in the 1850 Census, but I can't find a connection to Charles. There were plenty of Minters in Essex and King & Queen Counties at the time.

0 votes
Charles Minter
United States Census, 1820
residence:    1820    Essex, Virginia, United States            

Charles Minter
United States War of 1812 Index to Service Records, 1812-1815
military service:    from 1812 to 1815    United States

The War of 1812 lasted beyond 1812 in the Battle of Lake Erie and the Battle of New Orleans.
by Frank Gill G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)

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