I can't identify ny unskipped matches

+3 votes
The info I have for my mother's mother's father's family is info I got by merging into someone else's tree on FamilySearch. When comparing the records, so often there is differing info but I can't tell whose is correct. Plus, sometimes I have more info than the existing record, for instance, often I have the person's parents.

But I can't merge (or whatever the word is) the file because I'm told I have too many unskipped matches, and I can't figure out how to identify the unskipped matches. (I tried sorting by that column but it didn't help.
in WikiTree Tech by Living Shea G2G Crew (760 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
I think there are two different sorts of "merge" being talked about here.  I expect the merge used on FamilySearch refers means combining trees which overlap while merges on WikiTree refer to combining combining just two individual who have accidentally been created but are the same person.  Admittedly they often are closely related, but the situation where WikiTree is talking about unskipped matches is that if you have individuals in a GEDCOM you're wanting to upload, you need to not enter people who are already on WikiTree.  Therefore when likely matches are on the incoming tree you need to tell the system not to duplicate; i.e. to skip the match, Now it can be that you think a given individual isn't a match but are wrong. A small % of such matches are ok, but if a person checking your GED sees lots of likely matches which haven't been skipped he/she are likely to tell you to skip them and try again.  Now since I don't do GEDs becuse I've been convinced that it's easier in the long run to enter them by hand, you have to decide how much aggravation you can stand before you cam make you tree pass muster.  If it's very large, say over a hundred profiles or so, you might want to practice on some small ones before trying a large one.
by Living Dardinger G2G6 Pilot (452k points)
I uploaded 4 GEDCOM files, one for ancestors of each grandparent as was suggested, but for some reason even though the first one was supposed to be for my father's side of the family, tons of info from my mother's side got uploaded too.

My main problem is that the Compare page needs to be redesigned to have a column for whether or not someone is an unskipped match, or else the merge program needs to provide a list of the ones its complaining about.

But even if they were identified, I don't think that would solve my problem. Many times I'll have tons of info on someone that is a definite match for someone that's in there already, but they've just got, for example, the name and birth date. I don't want to skip mine and use theirs, because mine is better.

Another problem is that all of our info will match except they'll have a different mother, or a different death location. Who's right? I don't want to skip mine and use theirs if it's wrong.

If I could just have the website show me which matches are unskipped, just so that I wouldn't have wasted a full day yesterday, I would mark each of those as not being a match. I would HATE to do that, but I would hate losing the whole day even more.

If this site is really interested in having correct data, then they have to provide a way for us to give it to them.

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