Will the Real Mary Dane please stand up?

+7 votes
You might be humming a hip hop tune by now and continuing: "please stand up, please stand up."  And I'll continue Eminem's lyrics: "We're gonna have a problem here."

Yes, I'm researching turn of the 18th century Andover, Mass. and finding that there are three Mary Danes, all competing to marry the eligible young men in town.  At least in the histories written afterward they're competing, since often those histories disagree about which Mary married whom.

There's the eldest, Mary Dane-20, daughter of Nathaniel and Deliverance, who we're pretty sure married Andrew Allen, but someone thought she'd married Jeremiah Ballard, too because when I first started researching this, she was attached to both men here on WikiTree.  That's since been fixed.

Then there's her cousin Mary, daughter of Francis and Hannah, (could be Dane-73 but....).  I initially thought she was the best candidate for marrying Jeremiah Ballard in 1721 and a very low-tech but mostly accurate set of family histories I found said that she did.

Oh, wait, what's this?  A Mary Dane married Joshua Frie in 1724.  All of this in Andover!  And at the same time I discover this marriage, I discover that the second Mary had a sister-in-law named Mary.  Her brother Joseph married her in 1720 and promptly died in 1721.  This would all be fine if the widow waited until 1724 to remarry.  My low-tech family history lady talked about this family, too, and she says yes, Joshua Frie married Mary Harndon Dane.  Clean, all lined up in time.

But wait.  The Frye Genealogy book I found after learning all this says Joshua Frie married the daughter of Francis and Hannah Dane.  And I found Mrs. Frie's headstone.  Based her age, the headstone indicates Mrs. Frie was born in 1698 or 99, and there's a birth record to show that Francis and Hannah's daughter Mary was born in 1699.  Mary Harndon's parents weren't married until 1701 and she had an older brother, so she was probably not born until 1702 or 1703.  The marriage record, combined with the headstone inscription, are pretty strong evidence that the Frye Genealogy has it right.

That leaves me with the odd prospect that the widow Mary Harndon Dane married Jeremiah Ballard on December 29, 1721 after her husband had died, according to down records, on December 27, 1721.

Don't all wade into this at once, folks.  I know you're dying to put this baby to rest.

I'm not ready to call this puzzle solved, so if any other facts come to light, please let me know.  Or if you have any insights as to where I might look to find out more about these families, please fire away.
WikiTree profile: Mary Osgood
in Genealogy Help by Kyle Dane G2G6 Pilot (117k points)

4 Answers

+5 votes
Abbot identifies at least one other Mary Dane that is likely born in the 1690's, daughter of Philemon Dane and Mary Thompson.
by Rob Ton G2G6 Pilot (301k points)
Argh!  Not another one!  I am familiar with Philemon and family, but haven't reviewed all the descendants along that line
Cutter has a nice summary of that Mary.  Looks like she was married by around 1707 to John Witt in Marlboro.  Good one to add to my summary just in case.  Looks like I need a free space page to keep track of all this.
+4 votes

Hi Kyle

What would you expect? if they all had sons named John, it follows that they all had daughters named Mary!

In the 1738 will of Francis Dane, he names, wife Hannah, etc. and  his daughters Hannah Phelps and Mary Ballard, and his beloved sons-in-law Samuel Phelps and Jeremiah Ballard.  Source:  Case 7087:p. 1-9: Essex County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1638-1881.Online database. AmericanAncestors.org. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2014. (From records supplied by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Archives.)

(Requires subscription  http://www.americanancestors.org/databases/essex-county-ma-probate-file-papers-1638-1881/image/?pageName=7087:7&volumeId=13764&rId=245199853)

New Salem VR only identifies her as widow Mary Ballard.

Ballard, Mary, wid., and Aaron Ousgood, July —, 1762. C. R. (p. 55) Source: Vital Records of New Salem, MA to the End of the Year 1849, The Essex Institute, Salem, MA, 1927.

I'll keep looking.


by Chris Hoyt G2G6 Pilot (939k points)
edited by Chris Hoyt
This is all helping, thanks, Chris
The Francis Dane will is key.  I don't believe he would refer to Jeremiah Ballard as his son-in-law if Ballard married Mary Harnden Dane, his former daughter-in-law. Ballard's wife had to be Francis' daughter.

It seems pretty clear from the will that Francis Dane is the father of Mary Dane Ballard.

It also appears that Francis is the father of Joseph Dane and thus the father-in-law of Joseph's wife Mary Harneden Dane, from the settlement of Joseph's estate in 1721/2. .

I'm adding some sources to Mary Dane Ballard's profile, that might help keep track of at least one of these Mary's!

I set up a freespace page for all this, too:  http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Mary_Dane_of_Andover

I'm going to keep adding to that page and link back to it from all the Mary Dane profiles. 

+4 votes

The Mary Dane that married Joshua Frye died in 1729, aged 31. and then Joshua remarried Sarah Frie.

Deaths: FRIE, Mary, w. Joshua, Dec. 24, 1729. [in her 31st y. GR1].(p. 444)

Marriages: Frie, Joshua, and Mary Dane, July 14, 1724; Frie,  Joshua, and Sarah Frie, Nov. 4, 1731. (p. 139)

Dane, Joseph, and Mary Harnden, July 14, 1720. (p. 98)

Source: Vital Records of Andover MA to the End of the Year 1849, Vol. II, Marriages and Deaths, The Topsfield Historical Society, Topsfield, MA, 1912. see also NEHGS, Vol. 8. p. 228. Doesn't identify Mary's parents anywhere. There only son Jonathan born 1729; died age 9, in 1738, so probably won't find him in the will of a grandparent.

Joseph Dane's estate was divided equally between his father Francis, and his widow Mary Dane, as their were no children.  There is  John Harnden who with Francis Dane, agreed to the appraisal/inventory. (p. 9) Source: Case 7112:p. 1-10: Essex County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1638-1881.Online database. AmericanAncestors.org. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2014. (From records supplied by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Archives.)


by Chris Hoyt G2G6 Pilot (939k points)
edited by Chris Hoyt
I think Mary Harneden Dane Frye is Mary born at Reading, MA, daughter of John and Susanna.  (Father= http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Harnden-14)
HARNDELL (see Harenden, Harndeell, Harnden,  Mary, d. Jno. and Susana, Feb. 21, 1699. Reading VR  Vol. 1: p. 115. Baldwin Thomas, compiler.  Vital Records of Reading Massachusetts to the Year 1850, NEHGS, Boston, MA, 1912.
Year of birth matches age at death.  LNAB clicks. And John Harneden, along with Francis Dane were involved in the administration of the estate of her husband Joseph Dane.
+4 votes

The 1725  will of Nathaniel Dane, husband of Deliverance lists his daughter Mary, the wife of Andrew Allen, which confirms that connection.

(p.8)  Case: 7120:p. 1-10: Essex County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1638-1881.Online database. AmericanAncestors.org. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2014. (From records supplied by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Archives.)

(Requires subscription) http://www.americanancestors.org/databases/essex-county-ma-probate-file-papers-1638-1881/image/?pageName=7120:8&volumeId=13764&rId=245200231

Andover Births: Dane, Mary, d. Nathaniell and Deliverance, Feb. 7, 1686-7. (p. 118)   Marriage: Allin, Andrew, and Mary Dane, June 28, 1711.(p. 27) Source: Andover VR

by Chris Hoyt G2G6 Pilot (939k points)

RE: Mary Dane Witt

Concord Births: Mary Dane the Daughter of Thomas Dane & Sarah his wife was Born June ye 28th day 1688. (p. 33)  (note: ?Sarah Blanchard)

vs Mary Dane Witt Birth Sep. 28, 1688 Death Feb. 8, 1771 Oxford, MA Find A Grave Memorial# 115242778 http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=115242778

One of the dates is off, I hope, because the marriage record for Mary Dane and John Witt is from 1702.  A 14 year-old bride?  Possible, I guess.
I also have a descent from Nathaniel Dane and his wife Deliverance, through their daughter Hannah Dane Osgood.

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