Relationship finder query

+8 votes
Hi All,

A little confused over the way the relationship finder is working for me and hope you can advise

I'm 33 degrees from Windsor-1, but no connection can be found between me and Churchill-4, but Windsor-1 and Churchill-4 are 10 degrees from each other, so shouldn't I be 43 degrees from Churchill-4?


in WikiTree Tech by Paula Dea G2G6 Mach 9 (94.2k points)

2 Answers

+6 votes

Your relationship to Windsor-1 is in the Connection Finder, which traces a connection through blood relations and marriages. We are "connected" to a lot of people who aren't blood relatives.

The Relationship Finder only looks for blood relationships -- meaning that you have a common ancestor with the other person.

This means you can be connected to plenty of people, including Windsor-1 and Churchill-4, who you aren't related to.

For example: My own Connection Finder connection to Windsor-1 is a complex trail that depends heavily on the different marriages of people who had multiple spouses -- such as another wife of one of the multiple husbands of the Dutchess of the Windsor.

by Ellen Smith G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
edited by Ellen Smith
If you are 33 steps from Windsor-1 in Connection Finder and she is 10 steps from Churchill-4, then you would be no more than 43 steps from Churchill-4 in Connection Finder -- and you possibly could be closer than that through connections that don't go through Windsor-1.
+3 votes
The connections to Kevin Bacon and the Queen are traced by a big job that runs in the evening and takes hours.

You can also do an immediate search between any two people, but this will only go out to 10 steps.
by Living Horace G2G6 Pilot (657k points)

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