What should I do if maybe have duplicate but profile manager doesnt respond

+6 votes
What I do if maybe have duplicate but profile manager doesnt respond.

I have a Barbara A Weeks born 1940 In Exeter in my uploaded gedcom, I have been prompted that it may be a possible match to http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Weeks-1893 a barbara Weeks born 1940s, all the other information is private. I have sent a message to the profile manager a few days ago but had no response, so what should I do.
in Genealogy Help by Paul Taylor G2G6 Mach 1 (19.2k points)

1 Answer

+2 votes

Unanswered Merge Proposals

If a Pending Merge is ignored for over 30 days — if the Profile Managers do not complete the merge, reject it, or set the profiles as Unmerged Matches within a month — it will be cleared for any Wiki Genealogist (any signer of the Honor Code) to complete, reject, match, or remove it as they deem appropriate.http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Merging

by David Selman G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
Thanks, but the key thing I dont know if it shoud be merged or not as I dont have enough information from the possible matchig record to make a decision. Soas I am now read to sign off the Gedcom tree for review aprt form this record should I mark this record to be as match/not a match or do I have to skip it.
Yes, the profile has to be on Wiki to be matched and then checked for same person and then merged. So yes go ahead and include it in the GEDCOM import.
What I am saying is I dont know if it should be merged as most of the information is private, so should I mark as a match or not a match ?

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