Maybe longer than you'd want but here is one and a good reason for it???
During the civil war my gg uncle was left alone to help the women tend the farms in his family. “Get Charlie to do this, send Charlie to fill in for so and so until” in two counties at the border of two states. Letters prove this.
R. C. Hardworker eventually enlisted (self protection?) He went awol twice and returned. Then he was court martialed. After that they assigned him to an Engineer’s unit where he remained for the duration (??? no education at all).
After the war Charlie md a woman 6 yrs his senior and had a passel of kids by 1875. In 1877 he and two sons took a wagon of cotton across the border to sell. He told the boys to go on home, he would return shortly. Next thing we read in the newspaper “R. C. Hardworker arrested for bigamy.” He had run away with another woman. His wife filed charges and he went to prison. He was in prison in 1880 census, in the state across the border from home.
That same year, 1880, another local article, same paper: “The bigamist, Charlie Hardworker shot and killed by guards while trying to escape on the road out of town.
Nearly 20 years later in a third county adjacent to his original home – is the family of his wife, remaining children all correct names ages and genders, and the head of household is Roscoe C. Hardworker, one and the same.
He true name was so unique as were his nickname and frequent use of initials that it was clear who he was. His wife took him back and he died with community remembrances of a fine citizen.
Oh, why the court martial and Engineer’s unit? Probably because when he enlisted he was only 15 years old.