What is the rank, place of death, and place of burial for John McColloch/McCulloch (1726-1777 or 1778)?

+6 votes

My GEDCOM data from FamilySearch (FSFTID LC28-5LX) imported Col. John McCulloch (1726 Gloucester, New Jersey, United States; D: 1778 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United States). Based on the FamilySearch genealogy, he married Sarah Inskeep.

Here at Wikitree there is a profile which matches the FamilySearch genealogy but lacks place of birth and has a conflicting place and time of death.

It seems likely they are the same person, but I haven't yet managed to verify sources up to John McCulloch.

WikiTree profile: John McCullough
in Genealogy Help by Ian Mclean G2G6 Mach 1 (13.9k points)

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Tried to find you an answer but nothing conclusive.  

I found two sources but the lst one "Find A Grave" gives no dates: http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=103618728&ref=acom

Gives Burial:
Old Pine Street Presbyterian Church Cemetery
Philadelphia County
Pennsylvania, USA

2nd source is: http://www.werelate.org/wiki/Person:John_McCullough_(35)

Name John McCulloch, Trader
Alt Name John McCullough
Gender Male
Birth[1] 1725 Gloucester County,​ New Jersey
Alt Birth? 1726 Gloucester, New Jersey, United States
Marriage 24 September 1748 Burlington County, New Jerseyto Sarah Inskeep
Death[1] 1778 Fort Pitt, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania


It has an interesting chart with family tree records from Ancestry: "The following data was extracted from Ancestry Family Trees, 19 March 2013. Eight duplicate trees (trees that were entered one or more times by the same author) are not shown."  

by Living Barry G2G6 Pilot (191k points)
selected by Dorothy Barry

I am using Wikipedia's 1777 and 1778 lists of events to try and narrow down where he might have served, and what he might have been doing. I can't find any military activity around Fort Pitt in what is modern day Pittsberg during those years though the American Revolutionary war was being fought by Washington on the other side of the state. In 1774, there was a massacre committed against the Mingo/Minge people that lead to "Dunmore's War of 1774". On FamilySearch, there is an unsourced note that says he died of Cholera: "RECORDS OF DON THOMAS !Ft. Pitt is now Pittsburg died of Cholera". Also, an unsourced note says, "Age suggests Captain John McCulloch is the father of those children herein listed, but this is not absolutely established. His brother, George McCulloch, could have been the father. Appendix 017" Which seems to be an excerpt from an uncited book.

There's also this: http://lotsofsites.com/gen/mcbible.shtml

His parents appear to have been married in Ireland (1724) and probably lived in Gloucester, New Jersey during 1726 when he is recorded as being born which would be adjacent to the Pennsylvania Campaign of the American Revolutionary War in 1777-1778.

Thank you for the records. Hopefully they'll be helpful in resolving this.


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