William Pipes of the Nova Scotia Project Needs YOU!

+16 votes

The Nova Scotia Project and Collaborative Profile of the Week Present

William Thomas Pipes (1850-1909)

William Thomas Pipes was the 6th Premier of the Province of Nova Scotia. He was also a lawyer, businessman, and Liberal politician.

  1. William has parents attached, but their biographies could use at least a few basic sentences.
  2. Where did he go to school and how did he get his law education?
  3. Did William marry and have children?
  4. What were his business interests?
  5. What were his political attainments?
  6. Can we connect him to the tree?
  7. He could also use some more sources. Are there more on the internet?

Please contribute to this week's profile? It's helpful if you post an answer here first. This prevents duplication of effort and it keeps the question on the front page of G2G.

Nova Scotia Project 

Nova Scotia is one of the eastern maritime provinces of Canada. The Nova Scotia Project, a sub-project of The Canadian History Project, covers Nova Scotia from 1713 to present day, and also Cape Breton after 1763. The project brings together WikiTreers with an interest in families of the province to create and improve profiles of famous and notable Nova Scotians and to create Free Space profiles for events, places, and other topics of genealogical interest pertaining to Nova Scotia.

Thank you

WikiTree profile: William Pipes
in Requests for Project Volunteers by Anne B G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
Thanks, Anne! Now featured on the home page.

2 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer
Hi adding some info + sources about his siblings and grandparents to the parents and a source to his profile, maybe trough the siblings or grandparents we can connect him ?
by Bea Wijma G2G6 Pilot (320k points)
selected by Anne B
Excellent Bea, thank you.

Just connected his mother Caroline Fowler to her mother (his grandmother Irene Eaton Bliss, had to create her because she wasn't present yet she was a daughter of  Nathaniel Bliss Jr. and Margaret Forrest (they already were present and connected so William is now as well if I'm correct :D

That was fast Bea, I am really impressed. Great Job. I look forward to seeing him all connected tomorrow
Every time it's so amazing to see how fast profiles can be connected sometimes eeh , William is connected now ! :D
+8 votes
Adding information about wife and her parents.
by Vic Watt G2G6 Pilot (368k points)
Thank you Vic

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