I have an ancestor I once thought was Melungeon, Is there a Melungeon project?

+13 votes
in The Tree House by Billy Matney G2G2 (2.8k points)
retagged by Keith Hathaway

4 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer
There is a Melungeon Roots project now:

by Amy W G2G6 Mach 1 (18.9k points)
selected by Pamela Lloyd
+7 votes
Look here for Active Projects http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Projects
by David Selman G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
+6 votes
There does not appear to be a Melungeon project or even a category. You could consider starting a free-space page, which could become a project!
by Sandi Wiggins G2G6 Mach 7 (72.6k points)
+7 votes
I've not run across any projects or profiles here that were identified as Melungeon, but I think there are people researching ancestors who are geographically in the Melungeon heartland.

With all the recent DNA studies on Melungeons, there could be a lot of value in creating a free-space page for information about Melungeon DNA research and ethnicity.
by Ellen Smith G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)

If you add melungeon to your question as a tag, there's a chance it will be noticed in the future by other people looking for Melungeon ancestors.

Thank you for posting about this, Billy. It helped me to think through some things.

Many in my paternal grandfather's line were early North Carolina coastal plain settlers/planters. I have no evidence that any were known as Melungeon or lived in the hills, but if the family trees of cousins identified with autosomal DNA tests are a good indicator, then we may at minimum have some Melungeon cousins (in particular, I see pockets of Mullins and Collins families showing up in some trees, and I have a vague sense that endogamy is plaguing my analysis in my paternal grandfather's maternal line).

So having a grip on how/when/where Melungeons came to be a separately identified group turns out to be something that feels relevant to my family research. Their story -- what we know of it -- is certainly a vital and fascinating part of the history of Appalachia.

EDIT: the part of my family that I believe to be cousins with these folks is a part that I don't know very well. They get semi-lost between Princess Anne and Surry County, Virginia and show up for real in the coastal plain. This is due to record loss, of course, and it does put a real damper on being able to track down the origins of Melungeons as well, since they seem to have become considered amongst colonists as a distinct group during the "dark ages" of lost records in Virginia.

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