Could anyone provide a baptismal record record of Christoffel (Esterhuizen) Esterhuysen (abt. 1666 - 1724)?

+7 votes

It would help us greatly if someone with time to spare could find the baptism record for Christoffel (Esterhuizen) Esterhuysen (abt. 1666 - 1724). He is stated as being born in Groningen in 1666, but the late Dr. J.H. Esterhuyse (Christoffel Esterhuys - Stamvader van die Esterhuys-familie (Hersiene Uitgawe) 1999) did extensive research and found that most probably Christoffel came from Friesland and that the original surname was probably Easterhus. The first time that the name was signed on an official document was when Christoffel´s youngest son (Christoffel) signed his surname as Esterhuys. It is believed that the French minister of the church (Rev Pierre Simmond) where Christoffel baptised his first son (Jan), entered the child in the register as Jean Estreux. Thus starting off a myth that he was of Huguenot descent and having been born in France or Groningen (which was also a place of refuge for Huguenot refugees during that period). Christoffel arrived in the Cape of Good Hope around 1684.

WikiTree profile: Christoffel Esterhuysen
in Genealogy Help by Philip van der Walt G2G6 Pilot (177k points)


No results unfortunately. Searched (with name variations):

  • AlleFriezen
  • Alle Groningers
  • WieWasWie
  • Stadsarchief Amsterdam
The last part of his LNAB "hus" suggests perhaps a Danish name ... ?
I don't see a last LNAB-part "hus", his LNAB is Esterhuizen. Could not be more Dutch...
"''Easterhus''" - could be Scandinavian ... phonetically ... maybe he was "Dutchified" (and in the process of baptising his son "Frenchified" ...;-)

2 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer

Here's a lot of information 
Stamvader van die Esterhuys-familie (Hersiene Uitgawe)

He seemed to have had a lot of knowledge about the Fries way of farming, so maybe Friesland is also an option and according this the last name was given to him after arrival by the company clerks, so this wasn't his original LNAB, so his original last name at birth could be any, maybe a last name but a patronymic is a possibility as well I assume ?

Looking for a place ... since it is mentioned he could not write and assuming his pronouncement of the place in Fries was somehow translated and written down by the clerks as Esterhuysen , maybe the place Idskenhuizen or Easterein  (Oosterend)

An ''Esthuys is a stone building , often with a cone-shaped roof and a plurality of chimneys, in which the hop was and is still sometimes dried, often in the immediate vicinity of hop fields '' (looked for it in the archives and is mentioned in a lot of Dutch Notarial deeds where houses ,a shed and sometimes an ''Esthuis''  as well are sold or bought) 

Looked at his wife as well if maybe this could give a clue if maybe they married in Groningen or Friesland already), her father was Andries Beyers ''he arrived from Saxen as a soldier at the Cape in February 1672 on the ship Wapen van der Gouw.''  No further clues..

But...assumed they named the children after the grandfathers , it would mean his father probably was named Jan ( or Joannis /Johannes), the first child named Jan, died young and after his death another child was born and named Jan Andries (after both grandfathers ?)

In the Fries archive only three children :

* 11 November 1670, Leeuwarden Cristoffel son of Jan Crisstoffels

* 27 April, 1670, Leeuwarden Christoffel son of Joannis Chrisstoffels

* 4 July, 1669 , leeuwarden, Christoffel son of again Joannis Crisstoffels and might be the same as above father ? (this could mean this child Christoffel died young which leaves only these two options., and both born in 1670....

Assumed the child was named after great grandfather : 

* 4 March , 1660 Harlingen , Christoffel son of Christoffel Jans and Berber Freercks

* 18 December, 1659 Harlingen , Christoffel son of Christoffel Jans and Entje Teekes

Same search in Groningen gives: 

* No children named Christoffel  that could fit his date of Birth . All Jo(h)ans or Jan Christoffels Groningen and all Christoffel J(o)(h)ans 

The names Wilhelm and Jurjen could come from the Beyers family , I know it's mentioned above he arrived as a soldier from Saxen, but there are some Beyers in the Fries Archive as well , named Hans Jurien Beyer  here's a different one also named Hans Jurien Beyer and a Wilhelm Jansen Beyer (heer) 

In Leeuwarden at that time was a Beyer street and or area named the Beyer, people without last names are mentioned in records as from the Beyer or living in the Beyerstreet

by Bea Wijma G2G6 Pilot (320k points)
selected by Philip van der Walt
Thanks Bea, I will also add this to our sources list.
Interesting Bea, thanks ... I appreciate all that you, Jan and Astrid have done to give more clarity on this. A lot of info to absorb ...;-)

Hahaha yes a lot of info, but well better too much than too little or nothing eeh :P 

Here's something more about the Beijer  in Leeuwarden ( Armenzorg in Friesland 1500-1800: publieke zorg en particuliere liefdadigheid in zes Freise steden Leeuwarden, Bolsward, Franeker, Sneek, Dokkum en Harlingen

Very interesting - thanks Bea ...!
+4 votes
I agree with Jan. I searched, knowing better as Jan is a more accurate searcher than I am. Just trying as I know I m an out-of-the-box thinker. Searched on just  lastname E* (joker) (Friesland: giving Esterman and Estwarda, and on firstname C*  in 17th century Groningen: E* last name gives 19k entries. Searched  for a a-like last name till 1670. No luck. Tried Es* with and without firstname C*.

Searched for Rev. Pierre Simmond in Friesland and Groningen. No results, no results here nor here. (digitale bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse letteren): page 19

Pierre Simmond baptise Christoffel(?) in the Netherlands. Pierre - is said - stayed for a while in Zierikzee (Zeeland, Nederland). I think this is the Rev Pierre marrying Anne Beraut? 1688-02-06 original document destroyed 1940 (WWII)) short before he went to South-Africa.

So more likely Christoffel was baptized by Pierre Simmonds at Zierikzee or?  Can t find - No luck, on  evidence for now.


by Astrid Spaargaren G2G6 Pilot (296k points)

Astrid, Rev. Simond was French [indeed perhaps / likely to have been / lived at Zierikzee] but he and had nothing to do with the baptism of Christoffel. He baptised the ''son of Christoffel'' at the French Hugeunot church in the Cape Colony, where he wrote his [the son of Christoffel] LNAB as "''Estreux''".

The researcher J.H. Esterhuyse might have been looking for the baptism in the wrong place. Groningen or Friesland. As nothing has been found yet I feel free to speculate that he might also have been from Aarhus, Jutland.

Thanks for the marriage record Astrid!

Just read an article about this

LNAB Easterhus later became Oosterhuis

From Groningen Friezen could be the place to look but apparantly no records for the year of his birth were kept.  

Philip I dont know if you have seen this  My information are from (

I would presume that  is the nearest to a LNAB we will come. 


Thank you Ronel! :D Same Bea shared. That might be the best we can get. Thank you for thinking of  Oosterhuis. that s a good impuls and showing clear thinking! :D


Philip you re welcome. I am sorry I wasn t clear I was asking about the son.......... what ever. :)

I stay out....... :) Enjoy all!

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