Why are non members allowed email us?

+14 votes
I got email from non wikitree member and contact me from the site

isn't lil creepy strangers contact you without being member?

Should be wikitree users only can contact you
in The Tree House by Living Randolph G2G6 (7.2k points)
retagged by Keith Hathaway

3 Answers

+12 votes
Best answer
Your email is never open to anyone, unless you specifically make it that way, they can PM you and Wikitree will relay their message to you. In genealogy everyone should be able to contact you, they may be related or they saw some incorrect info.
by Davian Pfeiff G2G6 (8.5k points)
selected by Michael Stills
+13 votes
I have had a number of family members that I did not know about email using the PM function of WikiTree offering more details and pictures on the shared family tree. You always have the choice to answer their query or ignore it. The person that PM you will have their email address present so you can answer directly, but yours is not present.

I also have request for people to be added to the trusted list on private profiles but the information that they provided proved that the profiles were not the person they were looking for. While I do answer them I do not automatically add them to the Trusted List.
by Joseph St. Denis G2G6 Mach 3 (33.8k points)
+7 votes
I have also been contacted twice in the last two weeks. They knew my Father, so it didn't bother me to much. But I was still wounding  way they didn't have a membership and were still allowed to contact me.
by John Noel G2G6 Pilot (764k points)

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