What happened to Aulay in 1911

+2 votes

I was working on my great grandfathers profile,http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Smith-51475, and found him in the 1911 Canada census  "Recensement du Canada de 1911," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QVBW-J9D9 : accessed 20 April 2016), John Smith, 1911; citing Census, Hochelaga Sub-Districts 1-30, Quebec, Canada, Library and Archives of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario; FHL microfilm 2,418,548.  I have enough other information that fits so that I am confidant that this is correct for the person in question. My problem is this, his son Aulay was born in 1903 and would have only been 7 in 1911 but he is not listed on the census with his parents and sisters and brothers. where did he go?

WikiTree profile: Al Smith
in Genealogy Help by Dale Byers G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
edited by Dale Byers

1 Answer

0 votes
Have you checked with death records?  Maybe he died before that.  At 7 years of age, he could have died between the 1901 & 1911 census.
by E. Lauraine Syrnick G2G6 Pilot (125k points)
If you look at his profile he did not die until 1972 I spent a lot of time with him and I was not born until 1951.  I know that he lived in Quebec for a time as a youth but I have been unable to find any records for him there, in fact I have records for him in Scotland and in the US but there is a gap between his birth and about 1924 that I can find nothing.
Wonder if he could have been a "Hone Child"??  It is just a thought.

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