Merging problem Bibby-280 and Biddy-11 [closed]

+7 votes
I just joined in March.

Problem #1 - I added Eli A. Bibby and did not see a match.  Then I realized his father Nathaniel Bibby (spelled correctly) was there, but there was already an Eli Biddy (spelled incorrectly thus no match).  I proposed a merge and it has been over a month and don't see any change.

Problem #2 - I put Eli Biddy (Biddy-11) on the right because it was the lower number and just realized Eli A. Bibby (Bibby-280) should be on the right because it has the correct last name spelling.

What should I do now?  Cherry
WikiTree profile: Eli Bibby
closed with the note: Problem resolved! Thanks for using g2g!!
in Policy and Style by Cherry Duve G2G6 Mach 7 (72.1k points)
closed by Paula J

The best way to achieve the desired result - a single profile with a correctly spelled LNAB - is to merge Biddy-11 directly into Bibby-280. I added PPP to Bibby-280 to make sure the merge goes the right way (Bibby spelling will be retained).

Unfortunately, the 30-day default approval clock got restarted somehow yesterday, so unless the profile manager approves the merge, you'll need to wait another 30 days. Or you could file an unresponsive manager request for Biddy-11 (you can get to the form from "Open Profile Request" in the dropdown menu for Biddy-11 in the mini-menu at upper right of that profile page, or click here to go Biddy-11's Open Profile Request page, where you'll see a link to the form).


Thanks, I probably reset the time when I was trying to fix the problem.  I have tried to contact the manager again so maybe I'll get a reply this time.  Otherwise, I'll just wait another 30 days.  I have lots of other families that I can work on.  Thank you for the help.  Cherry

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
What I would do is set them as an unmerged match, contact the the PM of  Biddy-11 and have them change the LNAB, then re-prepose the merger.

Let me know how this goes and if you need any further help or the other PM doesn't respond, she seems fairly active though.
by Melissa McKay G2G6 Mach 3 (39.6k points)
selected by Jillaine Smith
I accidentally selected this as best answer.  I did not intend to. While unmerged matches have their place, I don't think this is one of them.
I disagree:

"Unmerged Matches

Sometimes profiles appear to be duplicates but you're not ready to merge them.....

Setting the two profiles as Unmerged Matches will remind you and others that there is information to be worked out.

You'll want to use the text space and comment board on the profiles to describe any disputed information.

An Unmerged Match is a temporary state. You should work with others to resolve the open questions and either complete the merge or reject it."
Once it is set to Unmerged Matches, if you don't hear from the other PM, you can re-propose the merger, to merge Biddy-11 directly into Bibby-280.

As far as I can see this is the only way a non Leader can resolve the matter.
+2 votes
Hi Cherry,

I am happy to see you are still working on your Blanton profiles! I added Eli Bibby's wife to the Blanton Name Study and expedited the merge under that project since I know you have been trying to get this resolved for some time and the manager of the other profile has not actually been on since December 2015.

For future reference though, the correct last name at birth goes in the bottom slot when merging. What I do is put that in the merge request (Bibby is the correct last name at birth) along with good info about how you know they are the same person and make sure you mention a source for the LNAB (last name at birth).

Then, I copy that message and put it on the other profile so it is on both. Right now the message only shows on one automatically.

Next thing to do sounds like overkill but still, it's a good idea.

Post a polite message on the profile page of the profile manager asking them to approve the merge and contact you if they have any problems or queshons about it.  Then I send them the same message in a private message from the profile you want them to merge.

Keep track of the time.  If you have had no response in 10 days, send and post the messages again.  If still no response, see if a leader can help you. You can also file an unresponsive manager request but I think we have one guy handling those so I try to help resolve those if I can.

Back to the merge - you can also put info such as correct dates and/or places. Those can he easily changed so if there are different last names I keep it simple and stick to that.  If not, adding which date is correct (have source!) will prevent someone from setting the merge as an unmerged match!

One last hint! I try to make friends with people I find sharing the same profiles because it is an easy way to begin collaborating!!  I know you already do that because we both have Blanton profiles!!
by Paula J G2G6 Pilot (288k points)

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